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Harry's POV

Lou was late again. I didn't mind. I had been a little bit late too. Last night, Niall and I had drank way too much, and consequently I slept in until 3pm. When I woke up on the floor of Niall's apartment, I panicked when I realized I only had two hours to make it back uptown to my apartment and then downtown to get to the coffee shop.

"Fuck," I groaned to Niall and I searched for my clothes. I guess drunk Harry had decided it was best to spend the night in his underwear. "I'm so dizzy and nauseous."

Niall groaned in agreement. "Same, mate," he said, pretending to vomit. "I think we puked enough last night, but I feel like I might vomit more." I shot him a worried look as I tugged on my jeans. "Please don't," I said. I jogged to the kitchen and returned with a Gatorade, tossing it to Niall before I headed out.

"Text me about how it went," Niall called after me. "I will. See you!" I called back. Then I jogged out of the apartment, trying to ignore my churning stomach as I headed to the subway.

Now, as I sat in the coffee shop sipping on a green tea, I was wishing I had taken some aspirin before I came here. My head was throbbing and felt foggy, causing my thoughts to jumble. I was hoping I would still be able to communicate my thoughts to Louis. To let him know how I felt.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Louis called from the doorway a few minutes later. He waved and started walking in my direction, taking a seat across from me at the tiny white table. He looked a lot better since the last time I saw him. He had shaved and combed his hair, and he still looked pale, but not quite as much.

He was wearing a baggy grey jumper and jeans that were probably skinny at a time but looked more baggy than anything now. I watched intently as he situated himself at the table, carefully setting his wallet, phone and keys on the table.

"Hey, that's okay. Good to see you. How are you feeling?" I asked slowly, hoping he wouldn't be offended that I was asking about his health. It seemed like an appropriate enough question to ask. After all, he had just been in the hospital.

"Oh. Better...ish," Louis said, his eyes shifting away from me. "My throat actually really hurts. But I've been feeling better overall now that I'm home. Thanks for cleaning the apartment, by the way. You didn't have to."

I nodded, blushing a bit as I remembered how I had diligently cleaned and discarded the vomit that was strewn about various locations in Louis' apartment. "Don't worry about it," I said, rubbing my neck nervously. "Glad you feel better."

Louis nodded. It was hard to read him right now. He wasn't as cold as he had been on that car ride home, but he still didn't seem thrilled to see me. I guess I couldn't blame him, given our history.

"Let me grab a drink," he said quickly, hopping up and going to get one. He made it half way to the counter, when he turned around and came back. I thought maybe he had forgotten his wallet, but it was no longer on the table.

"Hey. Harry... I um. I'm going to get something to eat too," he said quietly. He was making eye contact now, his blue eyes wide and staring at me almost expectantly. What did he want me to say? Oh...

"That's awesome," I said, nodding encouragingly. "Do you... you want me to get something too? We can eat together, yeah?"

Louis nodded slowly, and motioned for me to follow him, his tiny hand waving. I hopped up and hurried after him, suddenly remembering how nauseous I felt. The last thing in the world I wanted to do right now was eat. But I wanted to do this for Louis. This was a really big step for him.

"Can I get a lattee and a croissant please?" Louis asked the barista. I tried to hide my surprise as I noticed Louis was getting a drink with calories. The last time we had gotten coffee he got the Americano. 5 calories.

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