Love and Lust

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Harry's POV

Louis was on top of me now. We were in his bed, and my head was pressed against the headboard as he straddled me, covering my torso with kisses. I rubbed his hair lightly, moaning his name as he marked me in love bites.

I still couldn't believe this was happening right now. Less than an hour ago in the cafe Louis had made it really clear that he didn't want to be with me in this way. He distinctly used the words 'strictly platonic.' But as soon as we got into his apartment, he came onto me out of nowhere.

I wasn't complaining. It's clearly what I wanted too. I stood there in shock for a minute as he kissed me for the first time in two years, wondering if it was real. Wondering if all those nights I stayed up thinking about him were finally worth it.

He felt exactly the same, if not better, on my lips. It was my Lou, my beautiful Lou. And I grabbed his face and I kissed him back and ran my fingers through his hair without a second thought. We're right together. We were always right together.

I remember Lou took his shirt off at some point and that's when my crazed, hyped up state began to simmer down a bit. I asked if he was sure he wanted to do this. I didn't want him to do anything he wasn't comfortable doing, or would regret later. As badly as I wanted him, I still respected him.

He said yes.

We headed to the bedroom a little while later. The kitchen didn't have enough room for what we were about to do. Louis started to take his pants off and I followed suit. I tried not to stare at how thin he was, how his bones were showing... pretty much everywhere. Part of me didn't want to look at him, but another part wanted to look forever. I swallowed and shook my head, focusing on his face.

It's not that I didn't find him attractive. Louis will always be attractive to me no matter what. But it hurt to see him like this, so sick, so close to death. I remembered being there in that same state. The bones, the constant shivering, the daily pain. I just wanted to put him in a blanket and hold him, make sure he was okay. Because he wasn't okay, and I wanted to help him.

Louis' kisses were getting lower now, and he was making a tiny trail of bites on one of my hip bones. Not too long after, I felt his tiny hands wrap around my dick and he began to jerk me off, swirling his tongue on the tip a little. Then, in one swift motion, he engulfed it in his mouth, and the euphoria I felt was indescribable.

This might sound vulgar, but Louis' blow jobs were out of this world, and I have yet to master the craft of getting anywhere near as good as him. I can't explain exactly what he does, but he essentially uses his tongue to lick the underpart of the tip, while simultaneously sucking deep and fast. It gets me hysterical and I'm usually shaking and gripping onto the edge of the bed gasping for breath by the end.

"Fuckkkk," I breathed, balling the covers up in my fist. "So good." Louis continued, upping his speed and I started moaning uncontrollably. How was he so fucking good at this?

"Wait oh my god, Lou..." I yelled, nearly jumping up as I remembered. "Your throat!"

Louis stopped what he was doing and looked up at me, his blue eyes wide. Then he burst out laughing, throwing his head back and giggling at the ceiling. I smiled at the way his eyes crinkled on the sides. It was probably my favorite quality of his, and it made him look so adorable.

"Harry, don't be that conceited. Your dick isn't that hard. It's not hitting me directly in the throat," he said sassily between laughs. I shook my head, laughing along with him and thinking about how stupid I had just been.

"I missed this," Louis said, crawling back up the bed and lying down next to me. I nodded, inching closer to him and grabbing him by the waist. "Me too," I said, reaching for his dick now. I wasn't the best, but I wasn't too shabby either.

I skipped the body kisses on the way down. I told myself it was because I was eager to pleasure him, but deep down I knew it was because I didn't want to get that intimate with his rib cage and piercing hip bones. Louis didn't seem to mind, and instead coiling his fingers around locks of my hair as I began to suck him, trying my best to get my tongue involved in the action.

"That's really good, Haz," he moaned, tugging my hair a bit. That had always been a kink of his. Pulling my hair and slapping me sometimes. He wasn't into domination or anything like that, just a little rough housing. And after a while, it started to grow on me too.

I continued blowing him, quickening the pace and cupping his balls the way I knew he liked it. "Fuck," he moaned, wiggling his feet a little in response. If I could have smiled, I would have. But I kept going, wondering if he wanted me to let him finish....

"Okay, okay, okay, get off!" he said a few seconds later. I guess that answered that question. I nodded, removing my mouth and sitting up on the bed. I turned to face Louis, who was now fumbling around in his dresser drawer, presumably for lube. Our favorite was K and Y strawberry flavored. But regular worked just fine.

Louis returned back to the bed with a bottle of "his and her pleasure." I started to chuckle and he rolled his eyes. "Don't ask," he muttered with a smirk. I wasn't planning on it..

"So, how do you want it?" I asked, moving closer to him. I kissed him tenderly, our lips colliding, and then locked eyes with him. Just by looking at him, I could tell what his answer was. Oh, boy.

"Top," he said, licking his lips. I nodded, smiling and then rolled onto my stomach, turning around and staring back at him over my shoulder. His hair was toussled in every direction and the hairs near his forehead were a little wet with sweat. His blue eyes were bright, almost radiating against his pale skin.

"I love you," I said softly. I wasn't sure if it was the right move or not, but I had already told him I loved him before in the cafe. It's not like it changed anything.

Louis nodded, but didn't say it back. My stomach sort of dropped in that moment, but I understood. This was all a lot to process. I was still fucking processing it. This could very well be a one time thing we were about to do right now -- or it could become a regular thing. I had no idea. But either way, I was going to enjoy being intimate with Lou.

Grabbing me by the waist, Louis started to lather the lube onto his fingers and entered me slowly. It felt sort of cold and painful at first, but as he began weaving his fingers in and out I began to open up and it felt much better.

"Ready?" Louis asked, removing his fingers. "Yeah," I called back, biting my lip. I fucking loved when he fucked me.

Louis gripped my hips and began to thrust, entering me slowly, but quickly speeding up the pace. He moved his hips quickly, hitting them against my ass with a slap, and soon I was groaning with pleasure.

"You feel amazing," Louis breathed, putting one hand on the small of my back. "So you do," I replied, nearly choking as the pleasure started to take over. I was one to get very emotional during sex, and I felt my eyes tearing up as he fucked me. It was just so fucking euphoric... I could hardly contain myself.

"Harry, fuck," Louis moaned as he continued his motion. Wanting to participate more, I pushed back lightly against his dick, deepening the penetration even further. We both starting moaning now and Louis grabbed my hips roughly, slapping my ass as he continued. So fucking hot.

Louis was starting to slow down now, and I knew that meant he was going to come soon. I turned back and watched as he pulled out and began to orgasm. "Fuck, I'm coming," he said, gripping his dick and allowing the white liquid to fall onto the comforter.

As I watched him, I grabbed my own dick and started to come as well, the sight of his O face destroying my ability to hold back.

When we were both done, we collapsed into the bed, Louis resting his little head on my chest as I stroked his hair. "Harry," he said, looking up at me with a curious expression. "Yes, Lou?" I replied.

"I love you too."

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