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The air was cold on the night of November 1st, 1981

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The air was cold on the night of November 1st, 1981.

The First Wizarding War had finally come to a close — Lord Voldemort had fallen. Yet, there had never been a victory quite so bittersweet. Death had taken many souls over the course of the war and had forever changed the lives of three innocent children: two boys born as the seventh month died, and a girl as the eleventh bloomed in the year of 1980. 

Seated in the Burrow's kitchen that evening were three sombre figures, vaguely listening to the soft buzz of voices humming from the small radio that sat on the counter. 

"You mean to say that Sirius Black confessed?" 

"Yes, Reginold. Cornelius Fudge, Junior Minister in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, witnessed the whole scene early this morning! He claims that after being caught, Black admitted to not only being the one behind the Potters' deaths, but that of his own wife as well." 

"His wife?"

"Yes, indeed. Tragic story. We hear she was murdered by Death Eaters about the same time as the Potters. Luckily, Ministry officials arrived in time to save their daughter, but the Death Eaters in question escaped."

"Merlin's beard! Terrible...Terrible..."

"Terrible, indeed...All of that on top of the murder of poor Peter Pettigrew and all those Muggles..."

"Has the Wizengamot made a ruling yet?"

"Wizengamot? No need for a trial, is there? There are eye-witnesses who say they saw Black use the blasting curse, killing Pettigrew and the Muggles. With their testimonies and his confession, the evidence is pretty conclusive. Barty Crouch, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, has already convicted him and sentenced him to life imprisonment in Azkaban."

"Well, if anyone deserves such a sentence, it's surely Black."

"Yes, indeed Reginold. Yes, indeed."

Amos Diggory heaved a heavy sigh. 

"Albus, there must be another solution," he said, breaking the stillness that had engulfed them, eyes flickering down to the baby girl cradled in Molly Weasley's arms. "Juliette and I...we're not ready to raise another child. I mean, Remus is her godfather..."

"Yes, and he's a werewolf who's stricken by grief," said Albus Dumbledore. "He has just lost all of his friends. I'm not sure he's in the right mental space to raise a child."

"B-but why me?" Amos asked. "Surely, the girl has some other family. Doesn't Black have a third cousin? One who married a muggle-born?" 

"Yes, but I believe it safest for the girl to be raised away from her blood family." 


"Because I fear what she might become."

"What do you mean?" asked Molly.

Dumbledore sighed. "The girl is the creation of two ancient and strong wizarding lineages: the Beaumanoirs and the Blacks. I don't have a doubt that her powers will be great. Such power will either bring light or darkness, and I fear it may lean towards the latter. I believe it best for her to be unaware of the strengths of her powers until she is old enough to make the right decisions. Amos, you can provide her with a normal wizarding life away from the eyes and influences of the pureblood families."

Amos Diggory looked hesitant.

"She will always be welcome here, Amos, for whenever you and Juliette need a break. I promise you that much," said Molly firmly.

Amos furrowed his eyebrows in deep contemplation. "Well...I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give Ced a younger sister."

Molly beamed at him and then passed the baby girl into his arms. Amos looked down at the young girl and smiled.

"Welcome to the family, Edelyn," he whispered softly. 



published: February 24, 2018

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published: February 24, 2018

thank you for reading!
hugs, aelizia


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