― iv. ginger white beards

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𝓖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝓦𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝓑𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬

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𝓖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝓦𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝓑𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬

"Can you believe it? The Triwizard Tournament hasn't been held since the eighteenth century, Lynnie, and now Hogwarts is hosting!" Cedric eagerly slapped his Herbology textbook against his lap. Edelyn flinched, quill slipping from her Transfiguration essay and drifting down to land atop a pile of fallen leaves in the courtyard. "That's why Dad was working so many extra hours during the summer...I knew he was hiding something!"

"It all sounds a little dangerous though, don't you think?" Edelyn muttered, looking up from her essay on the theory of cross-species switches for McGonagall. "Dumbledore said it was discontinued due to a high death toll." 

"Yeah, but the Ministry has had centuries to work on it since," Cedric reasoned. "And Dumbledore said that champions won't be facing any real mortal danger this time around." 

"I guess..." Edelyn said, but she couldn't fight off the nagging feeling in her stomach that this was all a terrible idea. Since Dumbledore's announcement of the tournament at the welcoming feast, Hermione had recited many stories to Edelyn of past contest blunders and champion demises from a book she took out of the library. In 1792, even judges were injured when a Cockatrice went on an unanticipated rampage. 

It seemed that the rest of the school, however, shared Cedric's sentiments. The halls buzzed with excitement and whispers on who would be entering the tournament. On Halloween morning, Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined the eager crowd in the Entrance Hall. In the centre stood the Goblet of Fire — a thin golden line had been traced on the floor, forming a circle ten feet around it in every direction.

"Anyone put their name in yet?" Ron asked a third-year girl, who replied, "All the Durmstrang lot, but I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet. They might've done it last night, though." 

"Hey, Hermione," said Harry, eyes searching the hall. "Where's Lyn?" 

"I don't know...I thought she was here," Hermione answered, a slight frown on her face. "She left before I woke this morning."

No sooner had Hermione finished her sentence, a rush of approaching footsteps was heard and they turned their heads to see the Weasley twins hurrying down the staircase. They were quickly followed by Edelyn, who nearly tripped over her own feet as she descended the bottom step.

"Done it!" said Fred triumphantly.

"Done what?" asked Ron.

"The Aging Potion, dung brains," replied Fred.

"One drop each," said George, rubbing his hands together with glee. "We only need to be a few months older."

"Who made the potion?" Hermione inquired.

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