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UP TO HER KNEES WITH WEDDING PREPARATIONS, Mrs Weasley needed as many hands as possible over the following two days and busied everyone with various chores

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UP TO HER KNEES WITH WEDDING PREPARATIONS, Mrs Weasley needed as many hands as possible over the following two days and busied everyone with various chores. In a state of constant frenzy, she had not noticed the change in dynamic between Harry and Edelyn and had assigned them both to the lengthy task of colour-matching favours, ribbons, and flowers, thinking they'd appreciate the time together.

"It's alright, Lyn," Ginny had assured Edelyn when she noticed the colour drain from her face. "You can trade with me and help George with the cutlery." In a misfortunate turn of events, however, George had shared his younger sister's idea and had offered the same trade with Harry. This resulted in a rather painful evening for the broken couple, Harry's jaw clenched and Edelyn chewing on her bottom lip as they sat across one another at the kitchen table, shining the silverware in silence. 

Hermione and Ginny had never seen Edelyn cry as violently as she did that night, and Ron had never had to try so hard to make Harry laugh. 

Soon enough, it was the eve of the wedding, and Harry awoke that morning to Ron's cheery exclamation of, "Happy birthday!"

Sitting up on his bed, he rubbed his bloodshot eyes and forced a smile on his lips. "Wow, I forgot. I'm seventeen."

Ron looked at him expectantly. "Well?" 

"Well, what?" 

"Your wand, Harry." 

"Oh, right!" With a sudden jolt of excitement, he seized the wand lying beside his camp bed and pointed it at Ron's cluttered desk. "Accio, glasses!" At the sight of them zooming toward him, he felt a spur of satisfaction, which lasted until they poked him hard in the eyes. 

"Slick," Ron snorted. 

Revelling in the removal of his trace, Harry sent Ron's possessions flying around the room and used as many spells as he could to help him get dressed, his mood uplifted for the first time in days. 

"Here's your present." Ron handed him a rectangular parcel.

"A book? Hermione's rubbing off on you." Harry grinned lightly as he opened the present, but his face instantly fell as he read the title: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches. 

"I — er — didn't have time to get you something else." Ron sheepishly scratched his arm. "With the wedding and everything...it was supposed to be a laugh—"

"It's fine," Harry said with a strained smile. "Really. You didn't know I was going to—" He swallowed thickly. "Well, now that I'm single, I suppose it could come in handy." His voice rung dry as he attempted the joke, and Ron merely gave him a chuckle of sympathy.

When Harry entered the kitchen twenty minutes later, it was to find a pile of presents waiting for him on the table. With the help of Ron, he unwrapped them and received a gold watch, a Sneakoscope, an enchanted razor, three boxes of Belgian chocolates, and an enormous bag of the latest Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes merchandise.

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