― 17 | PROTEGO

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"THERE...THERE MUST BE A WAY." Hermione paced around the cellar, fingers playing with the rope Luna had cut open with an old, metal nail as Ron looked around, searching for a trapdoor. "There must be."

The sound of tearing fabric was heard as Luna ripped off a piece of her threadbare sleeve and handed it to Dean, who had also been captured by Greyback and his Snatchers, to wipe away the thick blood that covered his face. "The cellar is completely escape-proof," she said. "Mr Ollivander, Lyn, and I have tried everything."

"But...But Lyn can disapparate across magical barriers," Ron said, hands shaking as he frantically felt the walls for he hardly knew what. "And — and you don't necessarily need to see to disapparate, right?" His voice quavered with uncertainty.

"She tried apparating across the room but ended up splinching pretty badly." Luna shuddered as she recalled the blood that had oozed from a nasty wound in Edelyn's left hip. 

"Yeah, but that's cause she's got the blindfold around her, ain't it?" 

Hermione shook her head. "I don't think she'd be able to do it even with it off, Ron. She's never been able to do it before, now has she? And even if she could, there are five of us and one of her; guiding side-along apparition is a lot harder than apparition itself." She sighed. "We can't just rely on her powers. We need to find a different way..."

Hermione knitted her brow in thought and Ron pounded his fists into the walls, making Mr Ollivander wince; Dean crouched down and buried his face in his palms. Luna, meanwhile, gazed curiously at Harry, whose body was lightly shaking and face dangerously pale.

He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to calm the storm of thoughts that thundered through his mind, but with the anxiety fluttering in his stomach and the ghost of Bellatrix's words ringing in his ears, it was near impossible. This isn't the time to be upset, he tried to tell himself. Not the time. But no matter how hard he tried to push the heartache away, it lingered in every ache of his bones, and the image of her and Fred kept flashing in his vision.

"Harry?" Luna spoke softly into the tense silence. "Harry, are you alright?"

He blinked his eyes open and raked his hand through his hair. "Y-yeah," he mumbled. "Just...Just thinking." But any idea on an escape plan completely evaded him; how odd it was, he remarked, that he could keep a straight head when facing Voldemort, but when it came to Edelyn, his brain simply melted into a useless mess. 

He gave a startled jump when Hermione suddenly gasped. "House-elves!" she exclaimed. "House-elves have their own brand of wandless magic!" She turned to Luna, newfound excitement in her eyes. "Did Lyn ever try summoning Kreacher?" 

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