― viii. mistletoe blues

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𝓜𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 𝓑𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬

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𝓜𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 𝓑𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬

Edelyn had never realized just how far the dungeons were from Gryffindor Tower until the following morning. Walking to Slughorn's classroom felt like travelling endlessly through rows upon rows of shop windows. Heads turned. Whispers stirred. 

Rounding a corner, she was met with sniggers from a group of Slytherins and Edelyn halted and huffed. "Alright, just throw it at me now, Hermione. Rip it off like a Muggle plazzer — or whatever you call it..."

"A plaster, Lyn," Hermione said gently. "And are you sure you want to know?"

"Better I hear it from you than someone else."

Hermione looked reluctant but acquiesced nonetheless. "If you're sure..." she spoke tentatively. "According to Parvati, the hearsay is that you slipped Malfoy a love potion, slept with him, and since he claims he can't remember anything, obliviated him."

Edelyn did not immediately respond. She stared down the dimly lit corridor and nodded slowly. "That...That is..." 

"It's absurd, that's what it is," Hermione said briskly. 

Edelyn sighed. "Shagging Malfoy's one thing, but love potion and a memory charm? People really think I'm that pathetic and desperate, huh...Brilliant. Just brilliant." 

Her eyes drifted down to her feet. She tugged at her sleeves. 

"Don't listen to any of it," Hermione said, hooking her arms around Edelyn's and guiding her down the corridor. "Childish gossip, that's all. Besides, you've been on the wrong end of rumours plenty of times before."

Edelyn shrugged Hermione off. "I think I preferred it when I was the daughter of an escaped mass murderer." She chewed her bottom lip and kept her head hung low for the rest of the way. 

Right at the entrance to Slughorn's classroom, Edelyn bumped into something hard and stumbled backwards. 

"Shite. Sor—" She stopped mid-word, gaze flickering up to meet a pair of emerald green eyes. 


Her expression hardened. She shoved past him and marched straight to her seat at a faraway bench, slamming her textbooks onto the table. 

"Black," a voice greeted. 

"Malfoy," Edelyn replied coldly, pulling out her copy of Advanced Potion-Making

"So, let me get this straight," he jeered, "You drugged me to have sex with me, but you won't even call me by my first name?"

Edelyn groaned and plonked her head onto the table. "That never happened!" she seethed, to which Malfoy responded with a sound Edelyn hadn't know he was capable of making. She straightened up to face him. "Did you just...chuckle?" 

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