Damage Control [S2:E1]

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| January 2 | Tuesday Evening |

~ Sam's POV ~

I was dreading walking into Jinx.

After the whole Emma encounter on New Years Eve, everything seemed to become a little bumpier. There was tension between Megan and I, because we were both worried and had no idea what Emma was going to do or say. I knew Jas had overheard some of the exchange that night as well, which meant she would most likely ask me about it tonight.

Things had spiraled out of control within minutes, and now I didn't know how to navigate it.

"What do you mean she knows?" Megan asked, arms crossed upon her chest. "You told her the truth?"

"No," I defended. "She basically accused me and didn't even give me a chance to explain."

Megan shifted. "So, you were planning on telling her the truth regardless?"

"Well, not the entire truth-"

"Oh my God." Megan placed her hand on her forehead. "She's gonna tell everyone she knows."

"That's not necessarily true."

Megan gave me a disapproving look. "She used to like you, Sam. You two broke up and she immediately accused you of having someone else. She knew something was going on way before we even did."

"Emma isn't impulsive like that," I reassured.

"And if she tells Shay?" Megan countered.

I felt my pulse quicken at the mentioning. She was right. Emma wasn't impulsive, but Shay used to loathe me. She probably still did for all I knew. And if Emma told her I had given Megan a ring, she would know it was serious. She would know I was happy. And Shay used to hate when I was happy.

I walked up to Megan and cupped her face in my hands. The worry lines on her forehead relaxed just a bit at the touch.

"I will talk to Emma," I said. "But I need to know what you want me to tell her."

I climbed out of my car and slammed my door, throwing my cigarette down and stomping it out. I hadn't smoked one in a while, but with everything going on, I was craving again.

As I walked through the parking lot, I noticed it would be only me and Jas for a few hours while we took inventory. Sara and Quinton wouldn't be showing up for another hour, which meant if Jas felt like prying, she would be free to do so.

I just had to endure an hour or two, and then I could bail since this wasn't my shift to work anyway.

As my hand reached for the door I felt my heart speed up in my chest. I could always be honest with Jas. It would make things easier instead of spreading the fire.

But she was connected to Baldwin, which could become problematic in the future. Maybe it was just best to lie...

I spotted her staring at a clipboard when I finally walked in. Looks like she hadn't bothered to wait for me to start. I was grateful.

She looked up. "Hey."

"Hey," I responded. "How far did you get?"

"Not far." She said. "We still have a bit to do."

We started working together to get this over as soon as possible, me remaining quiet most of the time. I figured if we didn't talk, the chances of the other night coming up was less likely.

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