Season 4: Episode 9

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| April 26th | Friday Afternoon |

~ Sam's POV ~

Today was supposed to be a good day.

I twist my ring anxiously against my finger as I watch the news and take it in. None of what is being said surprises me, but that doesn't mean I'm numb to it all. I stop twisting my engagement ring and instead pet Charlie for comfort, who seems to sense my worry and sadness while I stare blankly at the television.

"... The president's administration has proposed to roll back federal 'anti-discrimination' regulations that were previously implemented to protect members of the LGBTQ+ community – specifically trans people – from medical discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender in a healthcare setting..."

Without much hesitation, I instinctively turn off the television and stand from the couch. Charlie sighs in disappointment, but I numbly walk to my room to start getting dressed for work tonight. I ponder what I've just heard on the news and shake my head in anger and confusion but remain unable to understand why our current president and his administration would even suggest such an idea. Especially considering all the other way more important issues our country faces.

The drive to work consists of silence since I refuse to turn on the radio in fear of hearing more bad news. I don't talk to anyone when I arrive and keep to myself while I check the act for tonight and hope it's a good one. Usually Friday night bands were.

"Franki Cannon," I read aloud. "Why does that name sound familiar?"

"Well, she's one of the hottest indie acts in the game right now," Chris says behind me.

"Really?" I ask.

"Absolutely." He finds the cash lockbox hidden in the office desk. "She's also LGBTQ+."

I raise my brows with pleasant surprise and begin to look forward to tonight's show. I instantly text Megan to let her know about it and she responds with excitement and tells me she'll be here. With the stress of worrying about Ava recently, I figure she can use a night of fun.

Dane walks through the door and I happily greet him, but there's a look on his face that tells me something's wrong. I meet him at the timeclock and lean against the wall.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah." He shakes his head. "Just annoyed."


He takes a big breath. "Did you hear about what president Nutjob and his administration proposed today?"

Suddenly, reality sets back in and the sadness returns. It feels like an aching wound that never gets to heal due to constant abuse. All I can manage is a nod and a hollow "yeah" in response to Dane's question.

"It's bullshit," he hisses.

"How's J.C. taking it?" I ask.

"Not good." I follow Dane to the bar. "J has the most reason to be worried, so it makes sense. I just don't understand why something like this was even proposed in the first place. Presidents should want to build on progress, not destroy it."

"I wonder if the attack on our community will ever stop," I say.

"Sounds like wishful thinking to me."

Then the conversation ends, and I decide not to talk about it much more. I didn't want to dwell on it before the shift because it would just damper our workflow. All I wanted to think about was making sure tonight went smoothly and spend time with my fiancée, so I push the thoughts of fear to the back of my mind and decide to cope with them later.

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