Season 4: Episode 11

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| May 13th | Monday Morning |

~ Sam's POV ~

Dr. Dupree and I sit in her quaint office for our monthly session as I naturally unload the anxiety I've been feeling over the past few weeks involving Shawn's announcement a few weeks ago. She listens intently, like she usually does, and doesn't bother taking notes today.

"It's just... hard, thinking about him being far away again," I inform. "And I know three hours really isn't much, but it still upsets me, and I don't want to make him feel bad for furthering his career."

"Change always brings anxiety, especially for people like yourself who have started to rely on the support," Dr. Dupree says. "But you're recognizing that anxiety about things like this is normal, you just can't let it control you."

I nod in understanding. Even though she wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know, it just feels good to vent to someone unbiased.

"I told Megan I wanted to go to the courthouse."

Dr. Dupree raises her brow in surprise.

"We just haven't told any of friends yet," I finish.

"Are you ready for that?" she asks.

"I think so." I nod. "I mean, Megan suggested just having a ceremony later, and I think I like that more. It alleviates some of the stress of a wedding."

"That's a good point." Dr. Dupree uncrosses her legs. "Well, I think that's all the time we have for today Sam."

I stand and thank her like I usually do and head out of the building. Suddenly, I realize I've told my therapist about my plans before telling my best friend in the whole world. The thought of Blair somehow finding that out strikes fear into my soul as I reach for my phone in my back pocket.

It rings exactly two times before she picks up.

"Well, hello stranger," Blair says.

"Hey." I climb into my car. "What are you up to?"

"Oh, you know, just wanting to die because of finals," Blair informs. "I keep telling myself one more year and then I'm free, but I might lose my mind before then."

"You got this," I encourage. "But you don't need me to tell you that."

"No, but it's nice to hear."

I start driving and wonder how she's going to react to the news of me and Megan's future plans. Part of me doesn't want to distract her, because I know it will, but part of me doesn't want to wait anymore.

"I got something to tell you," I say.

The rustling on the other side of the phone stops and I know I have Blair's full attention.

"What's that?"

"I think Megan and I are gonna go to the courthouse soon."

It's completely silent for a good minute, and I start to believe she's hung up on me. I pull the phone back from my face to make sure she hasn't, and then press it back to my cheek in confusion.


"You can't," she panics. "I have to be there, Sam, and I can't be there right now. And I know that's selfish, but I have to be there, whether it's at a courthouse or a full-blown wedding."

I realize this is way more important to her than I thought, and suddenly I feel bad. She sounds stressed already, and as much as I wanted to go as soon as possible, maybe waiting a few more weeks wouldn't be so bad.

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