Season 3: Episode 10

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| August 29 | Wednesday Morning |

~ Sam's POV ~

Things were tense between Megan and I after the night I had "overreacted" about the adoption thing. Did I think I had overreacted? No. But apparently Megan and Blair did, even though I felt my reaction and feelings were valid. It wasn't fair. I was expected to take every shocking situation with ease, and it made me feel overwhelmed and... crazy. Was I crazy?

This made me feel trapped in my own mind because I tended to fixate on things that bothered me. That, paired with my already prominent anxiety about everything, wasn't a good mix. Luckily, today was my therapy consultation, which made me hopeful but nervous.

I finished getting dressed and petted Charlie as she stayed curled up on our couch, then headed out the door. The nerves overshadowed the excitement, of course, but I wanted to remain hopeful and believe this would help me. Another paranoid part of me was terrified that therapy could bring things out of me that I had purposely buried deep down. Was I ready to start facing these demons? And if not, would I ever be?

The drive was quick and painless considering morning traffic was gone and soon I was pulling up to an unfamiliar office building. I took a deep breath before finally heading inside.

When I walked inside, a receptionist greeted me.

"Hi," she greeted. "You must be Sam?"

I was shocked, but maybe I shouldn't be. Maybe Dr. Dupree didn't have any other appointments today.

"Uh, yes," I answered. "I have a consultation with Dr. Dupree at eleven."

"Of course, I'll let her know you're here."

Then she disappeared.

I didn't know what to expect from this consultation. I already felt weird and we hadn't even started yet. Therapy was a hush subject where I grew up. People were ashamed to admit they saw a therapist, but I was trying to change the way I looked at it, of course. I tried to subdue my anxiety with good thoughts.

Think of how this may benefit your relationships, I reminded. Think of how it could benefit you.

Then a door opened and grabbed my attention.

"Sam," a middle-aged woman called with a smile. "Follow me."

I did willingly and ended up in a swanky looking office that shockingly didn't remind me of a doctor's office. My expectations were nonexistent, but somehow the vibe of the room put me at ease. It could've been the color scheme or the calming placement of the furniture, but suddenly my anxiety was cut in half.

"Please, have a seat."

I did as I was advised and relaxed into a comfy chair across from Dr. Dupree.

The doctor looked slightly older than she did in her headshot, but that was okay. Her short, blond hair was fixed to perfection as her petite figure also relaxed into the chair across from me. Her thin and kind of bony hands intertwined and cupped her right knee as it crossed over her left, remaining open and comfortable. Did I look relaxed like her? Or did I look tense?

"Sam, you can relax," she coaxed. Guess not, I answered my own question. "This isn't a therapy session. It's just a consultation, for both of us to get to know each other and hopefully figure out what you hope to achieve by coming here."

I sighed in relief. Okay, so I didn't have to be all in yet. That was good news.

"I've never been to therapy," I admitted. "So, I'm not sure what to even expect."

The Everyday Adventures of Sam and Megan (GirlxGirl)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant