Season 4: Episode 12

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| May 17 | Friday Morning |

~ Megan's POV ~

Friday mornings usually feel good. I'm usually excited for the end of the work week, but today just feels different. As I watch Sam put together an outfit for Dane's mother's funeral, I gather my own things and prepare to head to school.

"So, the funeral is at two," she says. "Dane wants to be there just a little early, so I'll meet him over at his house and leave in about an hour. His hometown is about a five-hour drive from here."

"Okay," is all I say.

She looks at me. "I expect to be home no later than nine pm."

"Are you nervous?" I ask her.

She takes in a deep breath and exhales slowly. Then she shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't know, not really?" She sits on the edge of our bed. "I guess I'm more nervous for Dane than anything."

I sit next to her and place my hand on her thigh.

"It'll be okay," I assure.

"I know."

I lean in and kiss her gently for encouragement, but I know I have to leave soon. I can tell our short conversation helps her feel a little better, but she's still worried, but that's just Sam. Eventually, I stand from the bed.

"I gotta go," I say.

She just nods and follows me to the door. When I step outside and into the Florida heat, I look back at her. Sam's leaning casually on the doorframe and she gives me a nervous smile.

"I'll see you tonight," she says.

"I love you." I lean in to kiss her one last time. "Keep my updated if you can."

"Sure," she agrees. "I love you, too. Have a good day."

And then I part from her and make my way to Palm Vista Elementary. If I'm being honest, I also feel a bit nervous about her accompanying Dane, but only because I know Sam still struggles with the parental abandonment herself. Could witnessing Dane's familial struggle trigger her?

I try not to think too negatively and remind myself that Sam has come a long way, courtesy of her extensive therapy. She's strong enough for this. She's strong enough to support Dane, the same way me, Shawn, and Blair are strong enough to support her.

When I make it into the teacher parking lot, I exit my car and hurry inside to escape the heat. There's only a week-and-a-half of school left, and then summer vacation would commence. I would put my first year teaching elementary school behind me, and I would hopefully be able to enjoy my summer as Mrs. Megan Jeanne Adams Carson once June arrived. To say I'm excited is merely an understatement.

Eventually my kids joins me in the classroom, and I watch them take their seats on their second to last Friday of third grade. I spot Ava walk in side-by-side with Ashton and she gives me a hopeful smile.

I return her smile and try to shove my emotions deep down, knowing there's also only a week and a half left of Ava being my student.


The end of the day arrives faster than I expect and eventually it's just Ava and me sitting in my classroom waiting on Lisa. We work on the homework together, although Ava doesn't seem to need much of my help anymore. Her grades had skyrocketed, and I can only hope she's developed some skills she can eventually take with her to fourth grade.

I check my phone in hopes to see another text from Sam, but she must be preoccupied with the funeral. It should be ending soon, so I divert my attention away from my girlfriend and back to my student.

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