Season 4: Episode 10

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| April 28th | Sunday Afternoon|

~ Megan's POV ~

As I finish up organizing myself for this coming school week, Charlie seems to sense it and lifts her head in excitement. I close my laptop and check the time, seeing that Sam should be finishing up with the brunch shift at Crossroads and heading home any minute now. Shawn and Casey are coming over for dinner and I find myself looking forward to the company, excited that tomorrow is an off day for the students and a half-day for teachers.

I feel my phone vibrate in my lap.

Sam: On my way home!

Megan: See you soon. I love you.

Sam: I love you too <3

Now that Sam is heading home, I decide to start preparing lunch. Shawn and Casey would be here in about an hour. I preheat the oven and throw on something a little nicer than lounging clothes, fixing my makeup in the process. Then the front door opens, indicating Sam is home. I hear Charlie jump from the couch to greet her at the door.

"Babe?" I hear her call.

"In the bedroom!" I respond.

Sam saunters in and leans casually on the doorframe and studies me in the silence. I feel my face flush with heat at the attention. She must've had a good morning at work, I think.

"What?" I ask.

"I can't just admire you?" she teases.

I narrow my eyes.

"What do you want?"

She scoffs. "Why do you always think I want something?"

We move closer together and her hands grab my waist to pull me into her for a kiss. Our lips meet and I smile into it when her hands travel down to my hips and stop just shy of my butt.

"Sam..." I warn. "Shawn and Casey will be here soon."

"We can make it quick," she whispers into my mouth.

As much as I want to give in, it seems like it's my turn to be responsible. I place my hands on her chest to push her away from me and meet her gaze. Her shoulders shrug with disappointment, but she catches my drift.

"Fine," she groans. "I just miss you."

"I miss you, too." I pull away from her. "But I have to cook."

"Want some help?"

I raise my brow. "You don't wanna relax?"

She shrugs. "I had a great shift and I'm not tired, so I don't see why not."

Sam follows me to the kitchen, and we start preparing dinner. She pours me a glass of Chardonnay while we dance around the kitchen together, and I realize how much I had missed these moments. Things haven't been easy for us over the years, but moments like these make the struggle worth it.

Once everything is pretty much done, Sam presses her front to my back and hugs around my stomach. I feel my chest light up when her lips press lovingly against the back of my neck where she plants a kiss. My body instinctively leans into her as she sways to the music playing in the background.

"Do you think you can do this with me forever?" she asks quietly.

I turn to face her, and I can tell she already knows my answer. Neither of us had anymore doubt in our minds about spending the rest of our lives together. Sam is just teasing me with the question.

"I know I can do this with you forever," I answer as I drape my arms over her shoulders.

I study her in this moment and take in her features. She's changed so much over the years, but watching it was so gradual. The way her eyes now glow and are no longer plagued by her trauma or past. Her confidence – and I mean her real confidence – now oozes from her like light from the sun. Sam is a magnificent person, she always has been, but she had just been buried underneath the debris of her pain.

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