A savior

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Astrid's POV

i woke up in a dark and scary room

Gods!! I need to get out of here!!

"WTF?!!! WHY AM I HERE??? LET ME GO OR I WI-" i got cut off by a male voice

Then a group of different colored masks guys walked in

"Shut your mouth girl, all we need is your money" the dude

"THEY HEY?!! I DONT HAVE MONEY, AND IF I HAVE SOME, THEN ITS JUST $12!!!" I shouted at them, hey!! Im not that rich -,-

The other guy slapped the guy who I talked to in the face

"You bastard!!!! Your gonna ruin the plan!!!" The guy who slapped him said

What plan?? Pff!! Maybe some kind of a kidnapping another person so They can get money to the others

"ARGH!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANNA ME TO SAY??" The previous guy said

And then another guy came in

"Guys its lunch, just let me watch the girl, incase she runs away" the guy who just came in said

Then the room was cleaned away

Then the guy quickly rushed on the chains on my hands

"WHAT THE??" I said

"Shhh!!! Dont talk so loud, those guys eats fast, i gotta get you out of here FAST" he said emphasizing the word fast

Why is he helping me?

"And??? Why are you helping me out??" I said

"Because all of this is wrong, i dont want this kind of things" he said

Then he finally unlocked the chains

He leads me to some kind of a secret passage??

Then finally out of the room, and its still dark

"Uhh?? Sir? Just wondering, what time is it??" I asked, ofcourse I need to know the time!! My mom would be worried!!

"Its 11:36 and by the way, just call me drake" he said removing his mask

"Incase we meet again" he said

"Yeah thanks drake, the names astrid" I said

--------------- Line Break ----------------

"Where were you??!! Its already passed 9!! You told me to be home by 9??" My mom said

"Sorry mom, just......went to the cafe and didnt notice myself fell asleep" sheesh!!! Im not that good in alibi's

"Seriously? Astrid hofferson, you are gonna explain alot young lady!" My mom said angrily

"*sigh* fine!! I got kidnapped and i escaped" I said

"Wha?!" My shocked mom said

She is realy shocked on what I said

"Ok... So I was walking home with fishlegs...." And so on and so forts [A/N: Im lazy XD]

After explaining to mom, she told me to go to bed

hiccup's POV ( next day morning)

Here Im finding something interresting to watch on our flat screen TV

Ughh!!! Its so borring!!

Dad is in his office and toothless is on a special treatment

And Im alone here in our house -,-

Then my phone rang

I quickly grabbed my phone and...... Its astrid.....WAIT? ASTRID??


"Astrid?" I said

"Hicc!! I gotta tell you something!!" She sounds realy........hyper?

"What? Oh and by you calling, what time should we do the project?" I asked

"Oh shems.... I forgot about the project....but nahh maybe at 3:00?" She said

"And what are you gonna tell me??" I asked

"Oh yeah....im just gonna tell you later, its a very VERY long story" she said

"Oook? Bye?" I said

"Bye" she hanged the phone



What do yah think about the new character?

Do you think he's nice? Or bad?

Sorry no hiccstrid related chapter..... But the next would be <3

Sorry for a short chapter XD

And i gotta end this AN in here cause my grand mother is mad right now

So sorry for the typos... (If it had one)

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