Cousin problems

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Hiccup's POV

as I got home I saw a car parked infront of our house

I walked inside our house and was surprised by my cousin's sudden greeting

"Amy, are you giving me a heart attack or what?" I said going to the kitchen

"Get used to it, we will be here for 4 weeks" she said, I nearly choked on what she said

"What?? 4 weeks?? What the? Did'nt you have your studies back at Boston?" I said

"Pff! I'm suspended for 2 months.... So I wont mind" she said

"You did something again?" I said arms crossed

"A student cought me and some random guy making out on the janitor's closet" she said like its nothing

Well, typical amanda

"How about you? Still doing some kid's assignment?" She said

"Yeah, why do you care" I said

"Oohh when did you get so cold like that" she laughed

"I'm not cold, just neutral temperature" I said

"Now you're joking" she smirked

This is the most annoying person I ever know

I just sighed and ran in my room

"Phew!! Silence!! Peace!!" I dived on my bed enjoying the silence around me

Then suddenly something barked and obviously its toothless

"Hey bud, how's your day alone in my room" I said

He barked in response

"Hey thirdy! You have visitors!" amanda shouted from down stairs

I sighed and went down stairs seing jack and elsa keeping in a laugh

"What?" I said

"Oh its nothing! Pff....thirdy haha" jack said

I glared at him and he stopped laughing

"So what brings you here?" I said

"Just going to give you an invitation for my 16th birthday" elsa said handing me the invitation

Wait..... She's just turning 16? I thought she's already 18 :\

Don't tell her that

"Your just turning 16??" I said

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" She said

"No..... None" I said

"A party without me?" Amanda crossed her arms

I just wanted to say that 'she doesn't even know elsa why would she join?'

But I would be rude if I said that

"Oh! Sure! You can come, everyone can come! So hiccup..... Bring your know who I mean" elsa said and winked

I blushed a bit

"Wait..... You have a girlfriend?? And you didn't told me?!" Amanda said

"Actually, I don't, and thank you for summing that up elsa" I said

"Your welcome" elsa said

"Oh we gotta go dude, we have a lot of this to give...." Jack said

"Yeah for good" I said

He chuckled and they left

"So you have a girlfriend?" Amanda crossed her arms

"I don't, amanda" I said

"But do you like someone?" She smirked

"N-no!" Pff!! Why did a i stutter?

"Your lying, liars goes to hell" she said

"What Im saying is true" I said

"Well it doesn't sound so realistic" she put out a tongue

"Grow up" I said

"I do grow up" she said

"Physically...yes, mentally..... Don't get me started on your attitude" I said

"Stop being a cold nerd" she said

"Wait until summer" I said

"I did'nt mean literally genius!!" She said

"UGHH!! Now we sounded like the thorston twins!! Great!" I said and went to my room

"Sleep tight and never woke up thirdy!!" I heard amanda shouted from down stairs

Ughh!! Can't she be more mature?

Then i noticed something shinny under my bed

I took a closer look and...... It was a box half opened and that makes me saw the shinny thing inside it

I took the box and opened it.....

It was a knife with dried blood stains

This is creepy.... Why would I have this kind of knife??

Then I heard a knock on my door

"Its open" I said still examining the knife

"Son, I have to ta-" dad stopped as soon as he saw the knife

"Where did you get that?" Dad continued

"Under my bed..... I did'nt remember me having this knife" I said

Then dad took the knife

"Never mind that son, it's mine" dad said

"Then why did it have blood stains??" I said

"I-its....uhh.... Fruit punch" dad said

"Seriously?" I said

"Good night your class is early tomorrow right?" Dad said and leaves

I'm so freaking out right now........ A knife with blood stains??


Hah! You guys will enjoy the twist! I assure you! XD

well.... I think I will be updating once or twice a week

You guys know my situation...... Writter's block, I hate it

And I made another book called 'the promise' its another hiccstrid fanfic in modern

That book is gonna be better than this cause..... Actually.... i just did this out of boredom and this story just popped out of my head

But the story im gonna make is realy descided so hah! Its gonna be awesome XD


Sorry for the typos (if there is one)


hiccstrid:the guy with glassesWhere stories live. Discover now