Meet the mysterious girl

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Hiccup's POV

ughhh why do I feel lazy all of the sudden?? I dont wanna go to class...

But dont have a choice...

Im heading to science

As soon as I got there, the teacher is'nt there yet....

Hoo!! Time for sleeping (im realy tired you know? The assignment thingies)

I sat on one of the empty sits and slept for 6 mins....

The teacher came and looks like in a bad mood

"Ok rats! I have enough of teaching spoiled brats so do your best behavior! We have groupings so find your partners and dont ever bother to ask what your going to do" she said without manners, she looked pissed

So i think everyone has a partner, except me

I was about to tell that I have no partner

But then I saw a girl alone on one of the sits

So i headed to her

" have a partner?" I asked

She looked at my direction, at first she was shoked but changes into neutral

"N-no i dont have a partner" she said

"Hiccup by the way" i said sitting right next to her

"Heather" she said

Astrid's POV

im on my locker still thinking of what happend lately

I can't get over it.....

Im the one who wanted to help him on those junk

But he still helped me with it

I know i sound crazzy but...its just a little help

But i think of it as a big deal??

Seriously?? This is totally not me

Then the bell rang, it means its time to go to our next class

Which is elective

I ran through the hallway wanting to get there first

But as soon as i got there, the sits are full

"Psst!! Astrid over here!" I heared someone calling me on the very back

It was fishlegs and he's with snotlout and the twins wich i would like to call dragons

Just came up to that group name this morning

So i sat to the empty sit they reserved

"How do you know this is my next class??" I asked

"Duhh didnt you know that we have copies of our schedules??" Ruff said

"Yeah and this is my favourite subject of all, you see that girl over there??" Tuff said pointing on a jet-blacked hair chick

"Geez!! I didnt know you like goth chicks!!" Snotlout said

"What ever, that's my type of girl cause i find it awesome, how about you? Whats your type of a girl?" Tuff said crossing his

"Definitley your sister" snotlout said winking at ruff

"Same type!" Fishlegs said

"Seriously guys?? When did you start talking about this nonesense?" I said

"Uhh just right now, and its not just fair that were the only ones who told you, so who do you like?" Tuff said

Ughh!!! Do they even have to know?!!!

And the. Unfortunatley.... I hiccuped

I covered my mouth, ughh!!! Such a good timing!! (Insert heavy sarcasm)

And then I heared fishlegs keeping in a laugh

"Uhh...what's so funny?" Snotlout said clueless

"Oh nothing!! I just accidentaly tickled myself" fishlegs said

"So by the way who is it?" Ruff said

I just sat right here not answering her question

I dont want them to know, maybe just a little secret of me and fishlegs

And then the teacher came, thank odins!! You save my secret!! Thank youuuu!!!!

------------- line break ---------------

Elective class is...............THE WORST!!!! ITS STATISTICS!!!!! its math related

Ughh!!! Good thing its already dismissal time

I was walking in the hallway and the i saw hiccup......

........with a girl


Is it too short?? Gahh!!!! I cant make things longer

So you know the mysterious girl?? Yeah

Alot of you thinks its merida.....but its not!

I dont like her being the bad person cuz im also a fan of her but not mericcup

So I made it heather cuz, she's the only thing i can think as a antagonist

So no one of you guessed about her being the mysterious girl

But hey!! My other bestfriend is reading this!! (For gelliane: thankssss!!! LUBING YOU SO MUCH)

So sorry for the wrong grammarings and spellings (if theres one)

~ erika sy

hiccstrid:the guy with glassesWhere stories live. Discover now