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Mike -

He was the bad boy of Hawkins. Everyone loved him. Will Byers, the 16-year-old boy who stole, smoked, used drugs and gone around nailing every girl. How he got his popularity, I didn't know? But he did.
He was one of the hottest people in Hawkins High school and it wasn't just High school he was known; he was known everywhere. And not to mention he was popular too. People were scared and intimidated by him but I never found him scary at all, I just found him hot. (I was not gay).

Will had chosen his people carefully-  they had to have certain traits to be in his popular group.
Finally, his group consisted of 3 people, those who were: Dustin Henderson, the curly-haired boy who all the girls swooned over; Lucas Sinclair, a darkish boy who had a mean personality yet everyone found it attractive and Max Mayfield; was the prettiest girl in school, her flamed locks of ginger hair and bright blue eyes- boys loved her and the girls envied her.
The 3 of them were rumoured to get into all sorts of shenanigans, like fighting and drugs just so they could fit in with Will.

Not only was he popular and hot, but he also walked around the school as if he owned the place and bullied people who he thought he owned and those who were thought to be lower than him.

One of those who Will bullied was me.

I was Michael Wheeler, an averaged 16-year-old boy with blackened hair and curly locks, doe eyes that once shone brightly, and the scattered freckles. It all started when I accidentally walked into Max a few years prior. Max had become angry with me and got Will involved, who pushed and shoved me around and so from then on they had made it their mission to make my life a living hell and so far they had started to complete it. (The reason for the start of my bullied life was a very dramatic reason).


It was a Monday morning, the first day after Christmas break. The snow glittered on the sidewalk, the houses I passed had Christmas decorations up, icicles dangled from window ledges and the crisp morning air was what made me think that life wasn't so bad. (This was a lie).
I wrapped my coat around me, with the added layers underneath as I hopped onto my bike and carefully and silently rode to school. I locked my bike up and headed towards my only friend; Jane Hopper.

"Mike!" she squealed as she side hugged me. Her soft hair tickled my nose.

"Hello, Jane" I smiled as I patted her arm. She let go and we walked into the crowded halls.

We arrived at our lockers, thankfully they were next to each other, so we didn't have to look for one another in the claustrophobic hallways. We grabbed our books, stuffed them into our bags and started to walk to our first class. Although rounding the corner, we had come face to face with the Byers Clan.

"Well well well. Isn't it our favourite person" Max laughed evilly as she cracked her knuckles and neck.

"Fuck off Max" Jane snarled.

Max was about to slap Jane around the face, however, Will got to Jane first.

"The fuck did you say to my girl?" Will crashed and shoved his clan out of the way to get to Jane.

"What did you say?!" He repeated. This time, he had slammed the locker, which caused both Jane and me to flinch.

"I told her to fuck off?" Jane replied it was more of a question than an answer. "Anyway, come on Mike we are going to be late," she said as she grabbed my hand.

I didn't get far as I felt fingers claw around my shirt collar.
"Where do you think you're going, Wheeler?" Dustin asked me as I was dragged roughly out of Jane's hands.
"We aren't done with you" he growled.

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