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The end. Suicide in this and alcohol, sorry if you get triggered. Don't think there will be a sequel but who cares. Hope you enjoyed the last of the book.


"I still like you". I looked up to see Will staring at me, tears glistening and cheeks stained. I heard Eddie and Jane stand up, pushing Will away from me and hearing Jane shout at him.
I was frozen. I didn't know what to think, it was the first time I've made eye contact with him. I could never forgive or forget what he had done, he had scarred me for life and there was no way out of it.
I hated him. I hated myself for allowing myself to become involved with Will, once again.
I just want everything to be over. I could never face the boy who very nearly killed me but in a way he did kill me. I got up off the floor, wiping the tears from my eyes and watching Jane scream at Will who was now in a flood of tears. Eddie watched as I walked away, I heard him shout but everything had slowed down. I felt like I was in a slow motion movie, everything around becoming grey and black, the trees slowly dying - just like I am, the grass shrivelled up, leafs falling to the ground and disintegrating.
I could no longer do this anymore..

I made my way home, luckily nobody was in. The walk home took longer than I expected, maybe because I was  living my final day here, on earth.
I slammed the door open and ran towards the alcohol cabinet, I rummaged around hoping to find the liquor I desired. Vodka.
I snatched it from the shelf, taking a large swig of it and made my way to the back door, swinging it open and stumbling towards my favourite place. The cliff.

I stumbled towards the rock, eventually falling next to it with a scrape to my knee. The sky suddenly turned black and clouds turned grey, it was oddly satisfying and calming. Therapeutic.
I was on my last drop of the spirit when a crashing sound and a voice from behind me, made me jump in fear. I spun around slowly, hoping it was Jane or Eddie and nobody else, but unfortunately, it was Will.

"Mike!" he came running over to me out of breath. "Mike! Listen to me!" he put a soft hand on my exposed arm, I flinched and pushed him off forcefully.

"No! Leave me alone Will!" I stumbled forward to the cliff. "Why are you here anyway?" I slurred.

"I want to save you" He told me quietly. What did he mean 'save'? Last time I checked, he was trying to kill me. "I'm sorry" he sobbed, he was now on his knees, palms of his hands  violently crushing into his eyes, willing the tears away.

"The last time you said sorry, I forgave you. Guess what happened?!" I sat on the floor, unable to stand. "I hate you Will! I hate you so fucking much!" I yelled at him. "I wished it was you in the hospital! Wondering as to way the love of your life tried to kill you! I wish it was you all this time, in my position." I shook my head at him. "All this time I thought I was doing the right thing, giving you a chance, loving you, caring for you. I thought I was incapable of loving or to be loved but what you showed me, I thought I was worth it and I thought we was worth it" I now spoke to him with a meloncholy tone, staring at the ground in front of me.

"You showed me what I once thought was impossible. You've made me into a better person. That night, the old me came out, I wasn't thinking. I wasn't trying to hurt you but..."

"I may be pissed up right now but I know that, what you just said, didn't make any sense whatsoever. You're trying to cover up the fact you never really cared for me, that you was willing to do what your clan told you, that you never cared if I got hurt." I got up from the stoney floor and sat on the near the cliff, looking over.

" I cared for you Mike! I did! I know nothing what I'm saying is making no sense because I don't know how to put it!" I peered at him once more before snapping.

" Then what do you want from me! I've given you everything! Everything Will and I get nothing but betrayal in return!" I cried at him, edging closer to the edge once again. I watched him shake his head, blinking back tears, he started to run after me, his hands reaching out.
"You've hurt me mentally but now you've hurt me physically. Just remember not to treat the next one as badly as you treated me, but for now, all I want to say to you is, I'm in love with you still and I always will be. See you in hell William Byers" and with that I stepped off the cliff, everything was slow again, I closed my eyes and allowed the wind to take me.

"I love you Mike!" I heard the strangled cries of Will Byers.

The boy I once fell in love with.

Yep, the end.

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