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A/N warning. Homophobia and talking about death. So, sorry.


It was a Wednesday morning, I was sitting at the back of the school when I saw Nancy and Jonathan walk towards  me.
"Hey Will, just wanted to let you know Mike is ill today. You can go and see him after school, if you like?" Nancy told me, I nodded at her and thanked her before she left with my brother.
I was alone once again, with my thoughts. I lost my trail of thoughts when the clan approached me, I stood up and faced them.
"What?" I asked them with a harsh tone, I wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone.
"We know you are dating Wheeler" Max told me, she started rolling her sleeves up and punching her hand.
"Why would you think that?"
"We saw you in movies with him, kissing and holding hands with the boy!" Lucas sneered at me. My eyes widened.
"W-was you w-watching u-us?" I started to stutter. Why was I scared?
"It's disgusting! Break up with the fag!" Lucas shouted at me and pushing me back a bit.
"What! No! I'm not breaking up with him Lucas!" I protested.
"You better do or Wheeler is gonna end up six feet under. Dead." my mouth gaped open, Lucas and Max had that evil look in their eyes while Dustin just stood off to the side.
"You wouldn't!"
"Yes we will! Now break up with him. Forget he ever happened, and the boy doesn't get hurt" Max growled lowly before she walked off. I slid down to the ground, I didn't want to break up with Mike but I'm gonna have to save him some how.

I lightly knocked on Mike's bedroom door, hearing his footsteps coming closer and unlocking the door.
"Hey" he smiled wide. I just walked into to his bed and watched as his smile dropped. "What's wrong Will? Have I done something?"
"No. Nothing at all. You look sick, go back to sleep"
"No, I'm fine but you're not." he was now scowling at me with his arms folded. "Babe" he came and sat next to me, trying to hold my hand. I pulled it away sharply.
"We can't be together anymore" I came out and said.
"Why can't we? What's going on Will?"
"J-just, Mike. I can't do this anymore. Don't come near me, don't look at me or anything"
"Am I going to get an explanation?"
"Some day but for now, just do what I say okay." he nodded and a tear rolled down his cheek. I grabbed his face and stared at him in those huge brown eyes. "I'm sorry Mike" I whispered. I kissed him one last time, making sure it lingered. I heard him sniffle when I let go, I couldn't look him in the eyes. I wiped a tear and walked out once more.
I was single, once again.
I found my clan in the ally way smoking again. "I've broke up with him, ya gonna leave him alone now?" Lucas and the other two turned to stare at me.
"You better of" Max hissed. I shrugged and walked off. I went back into my room and cried and cried until it wasn't possible anymore.

At school, I saw Jane and Eddie staring intensely at me in the lunch room. Mike wasn't paying attention, he just looked so down and that was all because of me. I saw Mike look up at me once then quickly set his gaze back to the table.
I felt a nudge on my back and I found out it was lucas.
"What?" I asked in a harsh tone. Lucas was holding a brown haired girl with freckles and dark brown eyes. "Who's that?"
"This. This is your new girlfriend" he smiled. I started laughing at him which caused him to frown.
"I've just broken up with someone last night, I'm not going to get with some bitch the day after"
"You still care about that fag?" I stopped laughing and sharply turned to him, standing up.
"Fuck off man" and shoved past him, Mike's eyes stood out the most as he turned to watch me walk out.
The young girl who lucas was with, was now following me out of the building.
"Will! Wait!"
"No! Fuck off. Who are you anyway?"
"Lily Reed. I know you like Mike, I can help you."
"How are you gonna help me?"
"Lucas told me about you and Mike, so what if I pretend to date you just to keep Mike safe? I know for a fact lucas and Max will kill him." I smiled at her, it was a good offer.
"What's in it for you then?"
"To date Lucas. We can make him jealous while at the same time, keeping your boyfriend safe."
"I like you Lily Reed." she stuck her hand out and smiled. "Deal." and slammed our hands together.

This is gonna be interesting.

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