Bigger, Better But Still Bullshit (Old 2014)

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Previously on "Those Who Walk in Blood": Elias and Envy are finally at school; what is waiting for them today? Unfortunately, you won't hear it from their mouths, or see it from their eyes, because I said so.

You know, sometimes you wake up first thing in the morning questioning your self. Like, why the hell is the sun so freaking yellow first thing in the morning? But then you remember the reason why for your grumpiness. The concept of high school is complete and utter bullshittery, and that's not even a word. You're not drunk or hungover, the aspect of becoming drunk or the after effect of it is crap so you don't even consume alcohol in defiance. No, you're not drunk nor are you experiencing it's after effects. You're sick with a stupid whatever and you're also going to school. You know, once you think about it, that's one huge contradiction from what was said before. (go reread chapter 3, guys)

After a long and painful car ride to school with your younger sister in tow. You finally reach school.

Who are you? Well aren't you dumb enough to forget your own name. Your name is Trip Montgomery and your the biggest badass in school. But don't worry, there's only one special someone who knows that that's the biggest bullshit douche around.

Do you remember his name? You actually don't!? Dude! What the hell! He's the guy you torture everyday; yeah, that skinny nerdy guy with the nicest eyes...and supple skin--wait getting off of topic. His name is Elias Wimbledon, and you be better off remembering that name, young man! Anywho, besides being the sole bully of Elias and he, being the sole victim you enjoy mangling--uh..

... (^^;)

That's right! You are literally the greatest athlete in school! You always sign up for the latest season's sports! and for some freaking wack reason, everyone likes you and thinks you are the coolest and nicest guy around! You know...except that one guy....yeah him, with his soft hair and long eyelashes--okay yeah; Elias fucking hates every fiber of your being, you useless moving sac of flesh. Yeah everyone likes you, but deep down you're a bully.

Preferably I'd like to call you a bitch, cause you know: bitches get stitches. But that would be rude and insulting to all of the intelligent, beautiful, and loyal females of the dog breed variety.

Okay, yeah. I'm going to stop bashing on you before you bash on my face.

The moment you left the car, the happy little goodbyes from your darling little sister that knows jack of the terrible stuff you did and would be utterly terrified of it if she ever found out, you were quickly greeted by your fellow mates from the sport you were currently in. You were also greeted by the cheer team, the rich kids, and even mellowed band members. Yeah, you are seriously popular that it was over whelming.

"Sup man! You heard what happened with the cheerleaders yesterday?" An athletic player said to Trip.

"Hey Trip," a girl cooed to him. "You coming to my party next week?"

Okay yeah, you guys already knows what happens next.


A/n: I have literally, for months, wrote and rewrote this shtick. I could not get over my writer's block so I'm going to YOLO it. Any who, I figured out why I could write this chapter to my usual 1k words, it's because the whole plot of this chapter is like a repeat. Enjoy. I'll be making the next chapter, hopefully better. Also, update. I have homework, a job, and I baby sit. So, yeah, updates will be slow. And it'll be even SLOWER when school starts on August the 8th. Thanks for reading. I hope you guys keep on with me!

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