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"You're dropping by? Why?" Sehun asks Yeonseok through the phone. His brother just called to tell him that he's stopping by the shop.

"Oh stop complaining, I'm craving for a lava cake so you better start preparing right now." Yeonseok laughs.

Once the call ended, Sehun blew his the bangs that were sticking to his forehead. "You heard him, you handle the cashier for now." he tells Johnny.

"We already have a ready made cake though." Johnny points out.

"I'm baking ten more and I'm forcing him to buy it all." Sehun huffs. "That's what he gets for coming on short notice."

"You're so petty." Johnny says in amusement. "Your brother can't resist you anyways."

"I bet he's just stopping by to make sure that I'm coming to his engagement party tomorrow. He'll probably be asking me about my date too." Sehun assumes.

"Speaking of your date, how are things going with your ex hunting? It's been two days since you and Jongin met up with Yixing." Johnny asks.

"I stopped for now. The remaining three are hard to contact so I gave Jongin a break." Sehun replies.

"So does it mean that Jongin's not hiding in your apartment?"

"Jongin hasn't brought anyone to his apartment so he doesn't need to hide." Sehun shrugs. "He drops by to ask me for food though."

Johnny was in deep thought for a moment. "Did something happen between you two?"

"What makes you say that?" Sehun asks.

"Well... you postponed your ex hunting while Jongin hasn't slept with anyone. It's weird." Johnny wonders. "The party is tomorrow but you're so chill about it too, so what's up?"

Johnny is always so good at noticing everything. Sehun will give him credit for that.

"Jongin will be my date for tomorrow." Sehun tells him. "I asked him two nights ago."

Johnny gasps. "You did?! What about your number?"

"I didn't have sex with him so it doesn't count." Sehun defends. "And it's a friendly date. He's there as my friendly companion."

"I call bullshit." Johnny huffs.

"Hey, it's the truth. Jongin and I are still the same anyways." Sehun adds.

It's a lie. He and Jongin aren't exactly the same, well at least Jongin was still the same. Sehun is trying hard to not think too much about the other.

"I'm quite surprised that he hasn't fucked you yet. You've been hanging out for almost a week with him and he's shown how interested he was with you since your first meeting, I'm surprised you held out this long." Johnny laughs.

"What did you think I would do? Spread my legs for him like I did to all the assholes I dated?" Sehun scowls. "Not you, by the way..." he quickly adds.

"It's fine." Johnny gives a half-smile. "I'm sorry if I said something offensive but here's an advice, don't get too close with Jongin if you really don't want your number to increase. He wants a hook up while you want a real commitment, those are two different things."

"Noted." Sehun nods. Johnny leaves him to give him time to concentrate on his baking. He tried to understand Johnny's words but it's just hard. Of course he knows that Jongin is the type to not take relationships seriously but it's not that easy to ignore his charming personality either.

It was past noon when Yeonseok arrives at his shop. Sehun greets his brother before giving him his orders. "I only wanted one. Why is the receipt like this?!" Yeonseok exclaims.

The Unlucky Number [SeKai]Where stories live. Discover now