Chapter Thirteen

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Soo, I'm fucking lazy with this whole entire thing. Honestly, I'm kind of sick of writing. I have no inspiration. I had some killer inspiration while writing Bitter Kisses and it's become so popular, way more than I thought it would. 

You know To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee? She didn't write another book because she was scared it wouldn't be as good as To Kill A Mockingbird. She was scared of failure. I'm kind of like that. It's ridiculous, I know. But I...don't have the passion to write anymore.

Of course, I'm DEFINITELY going to finish writing Bitter Love, but I'm not sure about Whispered Secrets. I'll probably delete it and after I finish writing Bitter Love, I'll just concentrate on editing Bitter Kisses in the summer. Then it'll get published and I'll take up on writing a story. that I've ranted my little heart out, you can read on. Much love. 

Also, dedication goes to nyx-redbird because she has AMAZING stories. Like, amazing. Read them, please. You will not be dissapointed. She deserves so much more votes and reads and comments. Her stories are so underrated. 


Chapter Thirteen


Six months later and I knew Tristan was getting irritated at the fact I didn't tell him anything about my life. He still hadn't met my biological family either and it was irking him. I knew that, but I was scared to change it. What if he didn't accept me when he found out what I was? Then I'd have to kill him or if I didn't have the stomach to do it, someone else would. Either way, Tristan would end up dead. Would I be able to live with the people in my life that I loved leaving me?

I dialed Tristan's number, knowing it by heart. He picked up after three rings and I instantly pinpointed voices in the backgrounds. Male voices and female voices. Lots of giggling. My eyes narrowed, but I didn't ask him about it. Tristan wouldn't cheat on me. No matter how mad he got at me, he wasn't capable of cheating.

"Cade?" he asked. 

"Hey, Tristan. I-um, you want to hang out?" I asked hesitantly. He was going to say no. I could feel it comin.

Tristan paused. "I'm kind of out with Tim and the guys right now, Cade."

"Oh. Okay. I'll call you back another time, then?" 

"Yeah. Bye." He sounded tired.

Before I hung up, I murmured, "I love you" into the phone, then hung up without waiting for his response. After that, I went to sit on the couch and waited. Dylan, the Alpha of the Moon Pack was coming to visit me and since he was passing by the Shadow Pack, he was picking up Michael on the way.

An hour later, there was a knock on my door. I got up to answer it, instantly getting tackled literally to the floor by Michael. He was laughing. "Hi, Mom."

"Hey, baby," I chuckled. "I know you missed me, but I didn't think this much." I sat up and hugged him tightly before letting Dylan pull me up onto my feet. "Hi, Dylan." I wrapped my arms around him as well.

"Cade, I missed you. I haven't seen you for so long," he murmured into my hair. After embracing for a few minutes, he pulled away to hold me at arms length. "What's this I hear about you dating a human?"

My cheeks darkened. "Who told you?"

"Michael wouldn't stop talking about him." I looked down at Michael, who was smiling at me innocently. I touched his face to make sure he was real. 

"Yeah?" I questioned. Michael blushed a little too and ran off to my kitchen to probably raid the fridge. He ate a lot, even for a wolf.

Dylan took my hand and led me to the couch. "Do I get to meet this human?" he asked me.

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