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"Wanna talk about it?" I asked, curiously while he gave me another odd look. "No thanks. .you're actually the only person I can't tell. Why are you being so nice to me?" Dante was sat on the opposite chair with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

I shrugged, grinning. "So I can't be nice to my little bro' once in a while?"


"Fine then, I'll -"

The door bursted open, "Vincenzo!" Looking up, I saw Valentina holding my nephew in her arms, her face flushed. Raising an eyebrow I asked, "what?"

"It's Mia."


All I saw was red.

I ignored the cheering around me, the whooping and the crowd around me and focused on my opponent.

I had her under me as I ripped her fake hair extensions out.

"Get off me, you psycho!" She shrieked, thrashing around pathetically. "Yes, psycho, that's what I am, whore!" I screamed back, punching her pathetic and ugly face.

I punched her again, ignoring the stinging pain in my fist. She screamed as she cried in pain. "How dare you do that to your own daughter! How dare you!" I yelled as I pulled more of her extensions out.

Someone grabbed me by my waist and pulled me up. I shrieked, screaming at them to let me go. I was dragged into a room that seemed to be an office with four men talking inside.

"Esci!" {Get out!}.

I instantly knew who's voice this was. "Vincenzo, let go of me!" The men left the room in a hurry, slamming the door behind them and he let me go. I spun around, raising my hand to slap him when he grabbed my wrist, sighing. "Don't, Mia."

I turned away from him, pacing to the other side of the room before turning around to look back at him. I was fuming. "Why are you so angry?" He asked. I scoffed.

"What's the longest that April's been at her mother's house?"

"Probably a month, why?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. I rubbed my knuckles only to hiss. Blood. "Mia, what's going on?" Vincenzo asked, serious.

"Your whore is abusing your daughter," I said, his face changing, "she let her friends kill April's grandmother - beat her to death. She seems to hit her whenever she's irritated and she 'forgets' to feed her or take her to school. Let's not forget that she let a man touch your daughter."

I had never seen Vincenzo look so scary or angry as he did at that moment.

I soon didn't feel angry anymore but frightened; scared of what he was going to do. He wasted no seconds and stormed to the door but I stopped him by standing in front of it. "Don't go to her," I said, almost sure he was going to shove me out the way. He looked at me, his jaw tightened.

"No matter what she's done, April will never forgive you if you kill her."

He let out a deep, scary laugh which made me shiver, "you weren't thinking of that when you hit her." I restrained myself from rolling my eyes. "I know," I said, calmly, looking into his eyes. "Vincenzo," I placed my hand on his cheek, hoping to calm him down.

"Trust me, you don't want to kill her. She doesn't need you, April does. That's who you need to see right now."

"It's my fault," he murmured, his hand over mine. I shook my head but he continued, "it's my fault she's got a bad excuse of a mother."

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