". .You Have A Really Sexy Body."

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"Angel, I think someone's at the door," he told me and I sat up straight, looking at him. I yawned, "okay. ." I stood and walked over to the front door, not bothering to check the peephole.

I opened it to see Evie and Grace. My eyes widened. "Oh, hey guys!" I said, pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Hey, Mia. We just felt really bad about you and James so we decided to have a girls night. What do you think?"

"I. .er. ." I glanced inside the house and Evie raised her eyebrow, "is there someone in there?"

There was a thud then a loud 'ow'.

Great. .

I scratched my neck and Grace laughed, "is there a guy in there?" My eyes widened a little, "um. .guys, you know, today really isn't good for me. Thank you for your concern but I kind of want to be alone, if that's alright."

"Alone?" Evie asked, glancing in the house and I nodded, biting my bottom lip. "Hey, you know what? It's fine. Are you sure?" Grace asked and I nodded, smiling.

"Okay, well, I'll see you soon then." I said goodbye and thank you before closing the door and exhaling.

Two weeks had passed on and there was a break from uni. I learned a lot about Vincenzo. He was actually quite a funny person. I decided that he was now my roommate although I didn't know much about him and there was a high chance that he could be someone utterly different but hey, my life was terrible to me anyway.

I walked back into the living room and asked, "did you fall over?" He slowly nodded and I chuckled, taking a seat next to him. "Oh! Why didn't you press pause?" I asked, picking up the remote and skipping back. He shrugged, a grin on his face. "There was a sex scene. How could I resist?"

I rolled my eyes, pressing play and sitting back as I watched the man and woman talk in the scene. "Who was at the door?" He asked and I licked my lips, "my friends."



"Why didn't you let them in?"

I looked at him and he laughed. "You make things that are innocent sound so dirty," I told him as he chuckled, "look, here comes the scene."

I watched the screen as the two people tore each other's clothes off. I lifted the remote to skip but he stopped me. "Why would you skip this?"

"Because it's awkward," I replied as he chuckled softly, "you a virgin?" The couple on the screen stared to have sex and my cheeks went red. "Yes. .but that's none of your business."

"It is now."

The man on the screen had the woman pressed against the wall as he pounded into her and she moaned loudly.

"I could do that to you if you want."

I looked at him, my cheeks red. "I will throw you out this room if you keep being dirty." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

I looked back at the screen.

Thank God that's over. .

"Hey, Vincenzo? I need to change your ban - oh my gosh!"

There he was without any clothes on by the dresser, all in his naked glory.

He smirked and I covered my eyes. "Get some clothes on!" He laughed as I blushed hard. "You can look now."

I slowly opened my eyes and I covered my face to see him wearing trousers and putting on a shirt, hiding away his abs.

He chuckled and I continued to blush. "I'm going to forget that ever happened," I said although his naked and glorious body was still in my mind.

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