Chapter 8 : You can thank me L-eight-er

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"We'll watch her."

Did he really say that? After the shift she'd been through? Hachi wasn't sure if she should be relieved or screaming in agony. She just wanted this over with, though on the other hand you couldn't undo death. But what could she possibly have to live for? It wasn't like she was terribly respected just about anywhere, but she had a nation to serve to the best of her abilities. Either way, it wasn't like it was her decision. Nobody listened to what she had to say anyways. Part of what got her laying on this cold floor hiding her stupid tears anyway.

"In... theory that could work." Said the one of the most vile of squidlings, Agent 3. The newest addition to the siren raids, she preferred to inflict severe physical harm to her opponents before killing them. Though thanks to her astounding lack of intelligence and the rather large amount of time she took in dispatching her victims, soldiers could usually escape to receive medial aid. All and all the least lethal of the three, but the most painful to deal with.

"... You have got to be kidding me." That was said by Agent 2, A cold-blooded salt-filled sack of potatoes. During a attack all she would do is sit around and snipe, providing support from above. Honestly the raids might not change so much if she was actually a sack of potatoes. Then the squidling might have a shot at being likeable.

"Oh let's give them a chance!" Said the oblivious Agent 1. "But how do we know you can actually do it?" This squid only killed people by blind luck, rolling to the objective with hardly a care in the world. Apparently though... it worked.

"If someone needs to keep an eye on her until any immediate issues have passed, I don't see why one of... why I can't do that." That was said by the squid who just kept talking to her like she was some sort of larva. What was his name? Egh, it was something stupid anyway, she'd just call him 'Blah'.

There was a bunch of quiet whispers that she couldn't make out, then Agent 2 spoke up. "Fine. You four can work out those details yourselves... but you have to bring her with you when you come check with us."

"Alright." Blah replied in that confident tone of his.

"Then you better get going." Agent 3 said. "We can't use the van again until she's got a new paint job, and the bus stop is a mile and a half away."

"Yeah, got it." Blah replied, his colleagues oddly silent. He sounded like he paused a moment before continuing yet again. "... She'll have to have her things back. The mask and the hat, at least."

As he said this, Hachi couldn't help getting a flicker of hope. However, Agent 1's next words abruptly snuffed this feeling out. "Hat yes, mask no... That mask can let her contact other octarians. We can't give her the option."

Well joke was on her, she'd already contacted the domes, they knew she was gone and they'd be looking into what happened to her.

"She can take my sunglasses instead! They'd cover her eyes nicely." Agent 1 continued, in that tone that was so bright it was sickening.

There was the sound of the crinkling floor, then Blah came over to her. "Here, take these." He offered.

Hachi paused, then reached out blindly to take the sunglasses and put them on. She blinked a few times as her vision returned to a more filtered level of darkness, though it felt odd to have pressure on the sides of her head, but none on the back. How were these things going to stay on without a strap? She glanced at her hat, then sighed as she reluctantly let her tentacles coil into it as she pulled it onto her head. These hats were honestly so uncomfortable, her tentacles liked to move around a lot, and it was so tight... She glanced up as Blah extended a hand toward her.

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