Chapter 41: Oswald that ends well

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That night, Leah was awoken by a loud shattering sound, coming from the other side of a wall. She lay there a moment before rolling over to check the time. 2:57 AM. After another moment it registered with her that, most likely, everyone in the house should be asleep. She quickly rolled over and shook her wife's shoulder, quickly hushing her protests. "Tanya!" She hissed. "I think someone's in the house!"

Tanya groaned, but then sat up and began to pull on her ink tank. "Oh no they didn't..." She murmured.

Were it under different circumstances, Leah might have laughed. Instead however she got up and followed her wife's lead in getting equipped. Once she got her tank strapped on, she edged to the door and listened carefully at it. She could hear some splashing sounds, and occasionally the crunch of someone stepping on glass. It sounded like she was correct in her suspicions. She took a deep breath, then opened the door, flinching a little as she was met with the bright lights of the hallway. Hachi'd advised them to keep the lights on overnight, since all lights where she came from were motion activated... From the sounds of things it hadn't done much good. She pressed herself against the left wall and slowly walked down the hall, splattershot at the ready.

Abruptly, Bato's door began to open and in her surprise she almost raised her gun, though she was glad she hadn't, as she met her son's gaze through the small crack. "Shhh!" She hissed, then continued in a whisper; "Stay here!"

"But Mom–"

Bato's sentence was punctuated by the door getting shot with a charger's fire, and he yelped and pulled back into the shadows.

"Not my son!" She exclaimed, turning the corner and hurling a burst bomb, hitting someone who appeared to be octoling square in the face. Two more popped up out of ink beside the first, and she opened fire, stooping a bit low so Tanya could easily fire over her shoulder and splat the intruders. "Honey, what's your sub again?"

"Splash wall!" She replied, tossing one forward just in time to block another charger shot. "Twenty years later and chargers are still just as annoying as ever..."

"Now's not a good time for a joke..." She murmured. The hallway and some of the living room looked absolutely covered in purple ink, who knew how many more octolings were hiding and waiting to ambush them.

Just then Hachi rushed out of Bato's bedroom and pushed her aside, brandishing a non-stick skillet from their kitchen. "Let me handle this!" She exclaimed. "They can't splat me!"

"Sweetie, they're probably after you!" Leah said, carefully stepping in front of Hachi. "Stay back here with Bato!"

Hachi scowled and thrust the pan up, just in time to block some sort of metal shot which had been headed right for Tanya's head. "You're welcome!" She spat. "Trust me, you don't want to get hit in the head by a bullet."

She slowly nodded, flinching as the splash wall fell over. "It doesn't block bullets..." She noted, then yelped as Bato ran past her, brush to the ground as he attempted to duck into the entryway.

Just before he could reach cover a soldier popped out of the ink and wrapped an arm around his neck, raising a sleek metal gun to his head.

"No!" Leah exclaimed, raising her splattershot as she stepped forward. "Let him go!"

"Hand over Olympiah!" The soldier said, oblivious to the fact that Bato was fumbling for his sub button.

"Just... Just give us a second to think!" Tanya said, raising her .52 Gal.

"She's not going anywhere with you...!" Bato croaked, managing to hit the button and drop an inkmine onto the floor, which exploded almost as soon as it hit the ground, splatting his captor.

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