Chapter 46: Two steps back.

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"Attention!" Sheldon shouted from the darkness, followed by a flashlight flicking on. Despite wearing Oz's mask Hachi still cringed at the sudden change of light; this was not helping the amount of stress she was currently under.

"They cut the power!" Simon cried, pressing their hands against their forehead. "And we're blocked in, it's over, it's all over! Nonononono..."

Sheldon cleared his throat, but was cut off by Toda swearing and pulling his hat off to hide his face in.

Hachi clenched her hands into fists and attempted to steady her rapid breathing. "I'm sorry." She said. "I'm sorry, I couldn't prepare us for this, we're trapped, and we might die, and it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault." Bato assured immediately. "It's really not."

Despite her best attempts, her fear only grew worse and worse. It felt like one shift when she'd woken up to the ground shaking, the power went out, and the dome caved in. It was the most frightening time of her life... well, until recently. She'd been cut off from everyone, and trapped for three whole shifts in total darkness, had she not gotten a refill on her drinking water she was sure she would have died... alone, in the dark.

"ATTEEEEEENTION!" Sheldon shouted, stomping one of his feet. Hachi looked up, thoroughly startled by this outburst. "Do we have any more injuries?!"

Jill stood up straighter, in what she seemed to think was 'soldier-like'. "We are fine, sir!"

"Oh, no no, that's not necessary..!" Sheldon reassured quickly. "But fear not! We still have hope!" He gestured upward dramatically, then stepped a couple of steps to his right and pointed upward again, to a trapdoor just overhead. "Through this we can get into the vents and make our way to the roof! We cannot let this precious opportunity go to waste! We will open up that wall, for my Grandpappy may have left something down there he was hiding for just this sort of circumstance! Perhaps some sort of weapon prototype...!"

Bato looked up, and then back down at his mother. "Will you be able to get out that way?" He asked.

Tanya paused, then took a deep breath. "I'll try. But if nothing else, I can stay here until things have been taken care of."

Bato frowned. "But–"

"You kids getting out is what's important right now." She interrupted him. "I won't be much help like this anyway. I'll be fine."

"Look, even if we get out, we can't... we can't win!" Simon exclaimed. "Ophelia's got that barrier, and ink can't go through it, and defeating her is the only thing we can do to stop this."

"Wait wait–" Sheldon said, turning to his workbench and picking up the pistol Hachi had let him borrow. "Doesn't this thing fire metal, and not ink?"

Hachi blinked. "Of course! That'll get through the field no problem! Just... one problem. It's range isn't near long enough to be able to... well, be lethal at a big distance, which is an issue."

"Hmmm..." Sheldon replied. "How's the bullet propelled?"

"Well, when you cock it, ink pressure builds up behind the bullet, and is released when you fire. Sort of like ink shots but with.. well... metal." She said. "At least, that's my understanding..."

"Then what we need is a bigger gun!" He exclaimed, then cautiously made his way into the ruined shop and came back with a giant sniper rifle.

"An E-litre?" Simon asked. "I mean, if any weapon can do it, it'll be that one."

"Indeed!" Sheldon said as he dropped it onto the workbench, which wasn't even long enough to support the entire thing. "You go investigate downstairs, I'll work on modifying this charger for optimal function, given the circumstances."

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