Natsu Dragneel vs Naruto Uzumaki

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A/N: Fairy Tail's Fire Dragon Slayer vs Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Okay, let's list down the facts.

Naruto's advantages and disadvantages
+ At his strongest is probably Small Planet to Moon Level

+ Much wider arsenal and forms

+ Can use his shadow clones to attack multiple or a single person at once

+ Can move faster than lightning and reacts at lightspeed

+ Has Kurama to help him

+ Nine Tails Chakra is not fire, thus Natsu cannot eat as it could poison him

+ He has fought planet and moon busters like Kaguya and Toneri

- Chakra has limits

- Natsu's keen senses can help him distinguish the real Naruto from the fakes

Natsu's advantages and disadvantages
+ At his strongest his probably Multi-Continent

+Fire is more destructive

+ Dragon senses can mostly likely detect the real Naruto from the clones

+ More destructive attacks

- Slower

- Weaker

- Never fought someone on Kaguya or Toneri's power (The only closest to that is Acnologia, who is Multi-Continent as well)

- Cannot eat Tailed Beast Chakra

- Has a tendency to rush in without a strategy first

- Burns through his magic quickly

So for me, Naruto can win

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