Adam is still Salty

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A/N: Even after two events in DEATH BATTLE, a certain someone refuses to let them past go.

In the Avengers Tower, Vanessa is trying to look for her father Adam. She then headed to the living where Shadow and Randy are playing Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.

Vanessa: Guys, have you seen dad? Haven't seen him all day.

Shadow: *Shrugs* He's probably watching DEATH BATTLE again.

Vanessa: O_O And you guys just let him?! Do you realize what happened to him the last two times when he witnessed mom losing twice?!

Randy: Well it's different this time, we didn't hear anything break. He's probably in his room.

Vanessa then headed cautiously towards the room. She slowly opened the door and, rather than seeing broken furniture as she expected, Vanessa saw Adam hugging a pillow resembling Captain Marvel while bawling his eyes out.


Vanessa sees the computer, guessing Adam watched Android 18 vs Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel vs Shazam again.

Vanessa: Dad.....

She stopped when she saw pictures of 18 and Shazam on the floor burned and cut into pieces.

Vanessa:..... If you need me, I'll be outside. *Clsoes the door*

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