Acnologia and King Ghidorah Info

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For AhmedSalah120


Super Strength

Super Durability


Energy Projection

Dragon Slayer Magic

Immense Magic Power

Enhanced Senses

Manipulation Immunity



Dragon Roar: He fires a powerful energy beam from his mouth.

Eternal Flare: Acnologia fires thousands of magic projectiles that rain down and cause massive destruction.


Withstand Dragon Slayer Magic and it was the only known magic to harm Dragons

Overpowered Makarov in giant form, who is a Wizard Saint

Obliterated Tenroujima Island and Fairy Tail with his Dragon Roar

Tore half of Igneel's body, though he lost his left arm, before killing him

According to Future Rogue, Acnologia is immune to his Dragon Supremacy Magic

One-shots and killed God Serena

Fought Irene to a draw

Is feared even by the Black Wizard Zeref

Killed many Dragons


Completely arrogant

Lost his left arm to Igneel

Can't eat his own Magic

He was once human, but after bathing in so much dragon blood, became a Dragon himself

King Ghidorah

Super Strength

Super Durability

Super Speed


Tough Scales

Lightning Manipulation


Causes powerful hurricanes by flapping his wings

Constriction Necks


Gravity Beams: Can fire from one on his heads or all three heads.


Easily one of Godzilla's strongest enemies

Wiped out the civilization on Venus and Planet X (Making him at least planetary level)

Responsible for the mass extinction of the Cretaceous period

Necks are strong enough to make Godzilla choke and foam from the mouth

Can fly Mach 33 at his strongest

Able to dodge Godzilla's Atomic Breath

Fast enough to travel from one planet to Earth

One shots Mothra Leo with all his Gravity Beams

Could've defeated Godzilla had there not been any outside interference

Bites Godzilla hard enough to cause him pain

Once lifted and threw Godzilla

Survived being bombarded by all of Kiryu's weapons and is only annoyed (Kiryu was able to harm Godzilla)

Can survive in space

Withstand the Oxygen Destroyer attack, a molecule level attack

Took out Manda with ease


Has no arms to protect itself

Mind-controlled on several occasions

In a comatose (Godzilla vs King Ghidorah)

Lost against Godzilla several times

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