Could Iron Man be the one to save the universe from Thanos in Avengers 4?

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Ever since the Infinity War, everyone is mind blown. The Avengers failed to defeat Thanos and has all the Infinity Stones and wiped out half of the universe.

Loki, Vision The Guardian of the Galaxy (minus Rocket Raccoon), Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Doctor Strange, Spider Man, Winter Soldier, Maria Hill and Nick Fury are disintegrated, leaving the original Avengers, excluding Hawkeye, and some characters to look around in horror.

However, I realized something. Before Doctor Strange gave up the Time Stone, he mentioned that in all the possible outcomes against Thanos, there's only one fight they could win. So, he sacrifices the Stone for Tony's life even though it was his duty to protect the Stone.

So he might play a very big part in the 4th Avengers movie.

Now, I don't know a lot in the Marvel or DC Comics, but I did watch a comics dubbed Infinity War in YouTube, somewhat similar to the movies. Watching even further, I witnessed Tony being the first human to possess the Infinity Gauntlet.

So, is it possible that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will do the same, just like what they did in the Infinity War in the comics? Or something entirely different?

IrohaNeo, MLPFan001, KaijuLord54, DarkAlexTheInsane, what do you guys think about this?

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