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All of the Death Bttoes ScrewAttack made, whether has awesome or not, good or wrong information and calculation, here are the best I've seen so far.

5. Naruto vs Ichigo

This one is great. Two of my favorite childhood anime characters are fighting. Nice try Ichigo, though.

4. Pokemon vs Digimon

As much as I love Pokemon, yeah, Digimon transformations are overpowered.

3. Goku vs Superman & Goku vs Superman 2

Honestly, I like both of them. One has  awesome transformations, the other can destroy planets and fires laser beams form his eyes. Is that wrong?

2. Sephiroth vs Vergil

Angel vs Devil. Need I say more?

1. Thanos vs Darkseid

I'll admit, I'm pissed Thanos lost. But I had to agree to the fact Thanos is not as powerful without the Infinity Gauntlet. However, is the Marvel/DC crossover they mentioned really is canon?

Honorable Mentions

Thor vs Wonder Woman

Power Rangers vs Voltron

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