7. Maybe

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"It turns out beautiful. We would have to change some lines when we are putting the melody." Louis said once he finished reading what they wrote.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. I didn't think we'd be able to finish writing within few hours." Harry nodded.

"Oh, god. What time is it?" Louis panicked and fished his phone out to check the time. It was just 8.28pm and he let out a sigh of relief. His mom told him to be back before 10.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asked after a moment of silence.

"Not that much. I'd go home." Louis got up.

"No, Louis. Have dinner with me." Harry asked with hopeful eyes because he's so done with sitting on that big table alone for every meal.

"If you insist that much." Louis shrugged but he couldn't help the smile when Harry sent him a dimpled smile.

"Let's go downstairs. I'm sure they are done with dinner." Harry mumbled as he got out of the bed, Louis doing the same.

"They?" Curiosity got the best of Louis.

"The maids." Harry shrugged.

'Oh, yeah, I must've expected it.' Louis thought but he just nodded.

"Let's go."


It was kind of awkward in the dining table but Louis was planning on ignoring it until Harry spoke.

"How's food?" Harry asked because there was nothing else for him to ask.

"It's delicious but you know, you sounded very awkward asking that." Louis decided to break the ice by bringing out the normal sassy Harry.

"Oh, thank you very much. I'm flattered." Harry rolled his eyes, making Louis giggle. He liked the sassy Harry even though he tried to convince others that he doesn't.

"I thought you were Harry!" Louis gasped dramatically.

"Please, no those lame daddy jokes." Harry put his hands over his ears like a child.

"Okay, okay, Harold." Louis giggled.

"I don't know anything about you and you know a lot about me. Tell me some things about you?" Harry grabbed another bite to his fork. Louis made sure to swallow the food in his mouth before he spoke up again.

"I'm 17 and I only have my mom. I'm the only child and my dad left even before I was born. My mom is a nurse and I plan on going to college for Music." Louis finished his speech with a little blush.

"Can you sing?" Harry asked with hopeful eyes and Louis shrugged.

"I can I guess but I'm not that good."

"Oh, c'mon. You must be really good with that sweet voice of yours." Harry winked making Louis blush again.

"Sing for me some time?" Harry put on his best puppy dog eyes and Louis just couldn't say no to those eyes, so he nodded.

"Yes!" Harry clapped once before looking around to see if someone saw him. He cleared his throat when he saw Alberto standing there. He came back to real world when he heard Louis' cute giggles.

"You take music as a class too. Can you sing or play something?" Louis asked after another bite of delicious food.

"I can play drums and can sing somewhat. I'm not that good either." Harry shrugged.

"You should sing for me too!" Louis practically screamed.

"Dear lord, I will. Now untwist your panties." Harry chuckled not catching on Louis go stiff in his seat.

Sassy Tommo - Larry Stylinson [Ageplay]Where stories live. Discover now