15. "Cuddles!"

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"Let me open the door!" Louis giggled as Harry brought him to the doorstep, bridal style. Harry let the boy down and Louis dug into his pocket for the key. Once the door is opened, both teenagers went up the stairs to Louis' room.

Harry sat on Louis' bed and watched Louis' every move as the boy went over to his desk to place his backpack on it.

"Staring is rude." Louis commented with his back still faced to Harry. Harry stood up from the bed and went behind him before wrapping his arms around the boy's middle making Louis lean his head back on Harry's shoulder. Harry placed a kiss on his neck and Louis let out a tiny gasp.

"So is turning your back to someone." Harry smirked against Louis' neck.

"You're going to give me a boner." Louis didn't mean that to come out of his mouth and that's why he turned bright red after the words.

"I always don't mind a free show of any kind." Harry said smoothly making Louis whine as his cheeks went few shades deep in red. He turned around in Harry's arms and playfully glared up at the elder boy.

"Meanie." He stuck his tongue out at the green eyed boy.

"Am I a meanie now, little one?" Harry raised an eyebrow. The nickname basically made Louis' knees weak and stomach fill with butterflies. He felt himself starting to slip and he bit on his bottom lip as his glare on Harry turned into just big blue eyes staring up at the elder boy.

"No." He mumbled making Harry smile down at the boy before leaning down and kissing his lips gently.

Harry bopped his nose with Louis' and it had the blue eyed boy giggling. Harry placed a kiss on the boy's button nose and whispered, "Go and change."

Louis skipped off to the closet making Harry chuckle fondly at the smaller boy. He sat back on the bed and took his phone out. He decided to go on his Tumblr account and talk about these ddlb stuffs with Louis.

Meanwhile, Louis got himself changed into his favorite princess jammies and he was kind of going into his headspace but he's still fully aware of his surroundings. He contemplated on bringing his box of little stuff out and decided to take it to his bedroom since Harry mentioned about them while they were in the cafeteria. He removed the rugged clothes from on top and lifted the box into his hands. He brought the box to his bedroom and placed it on the floor by the foot of the bed with a huff.

"You brought them out?" Harry asked eyeing the box and Louis nodded before jumping onto the bed next to Harry. Harry, who was now laid back on the bed, wrapped his arms around the smaller boy before bringing him close to himself.

"How about we go on Tumblr together and discuss about these stuff? Just to make clear what we are comfortable and not comfortable with?" Harry rubbed his hand up and down on Louis' back.

"Yes." Louis nodded again and craned his neck to look at Harry's phone. Harry chuckled and showed him his opened Tumblr making Louis dramatically gasp.

"You have a Tumblr too?" Louis snatched Harry's phone out of his hand and typed in his username on the search bar.

"Hey! We don't snatch things away from someone. That's rude." Harry scolded out of instinct and Louis' eyes widened at that. He looked up at Harry with a pout. Harry instantly smiled at the younger boy and bopped their noses again.

"It's alright but don't do it again." Harry kissed his cheeks before taking the phone from Louis.

"Okie, daddy." Louis giggled making Harry smile fondly at him again.

"Is this your Tumblr?" Harry scrolled through. He has been already following his little one's account.

"Yes." Louis nodded and cuddled up to Harry's side more.

Sassy Tommo - Larry Stylinson [Ageplay]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora