16. The Prettiest

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"Lou, it's time to come back." Harry sighed as he ran his fingers through Louis' unruly locks of hair. Louis just looked up at him with a confused look, not understanding what Harry said.

"You have to be big now, princess. It's almost the time your mom comes home." Harry explained. Something seems to flash in Louis' mind and he pouted with a shake of head.

"Nu, daddy."

"Please, angel. I promise you can go back tomorrow. We'll do all of this tomorrow, yeah?" Harry kissed Louis' nose which the boy scrunched up making Harry smile fondly.

Harry kept on mumbling encouraging words to Louis to get him out of his headspace and about five minutes later Louis was his seventeen years old self again.

"I'm back." Louis grumbled with a frown.

"Aw, c'mon, no need to be grumpy." Harry kissed Louis' cheek and it was enough to cover Louis' lips with a smile.

"I'll go and change. Can you clean these stuff away from the living room?" Louis gestured to the baby bottle and the sippy cup on the coffee table.

"Sure, love." Harry nodded and Louis got off of Harry's lap.

When Harry washed the baby bottle and the sippy cup clean he went up the stairs with those in his hands. He knocked on Louis' closet door and Louis opened it in a pair of grey sweaters and a big t-shirt. He looked adorable swimming in the big t-shirt and grinning like a baby kitten.

"Here." Harry handed the items to Louis and Louis hid them in the box along with Cuddles. He went back to his room to see Harry exploring the room like it's his first time in there.

"What now?" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist from behind and Louis just hummed as he leaned his head back to rest on Harry's chest with his eyes closed.

They stayed silent as they both awayed from side to side like there's slow music on and it was really peaceful until Jay's voice could be heard along with the front door slamming shut.

"Loubear, I'm home!"

Louis groaned when the nickname was out of his mother's mouth and Harry cooed before chuckling.

"Isn't that an adorable name, Loubear?" Harry chuckled making Louis whine and fake a glare at him.

"Let's go downstairs before she freaks out." Louis said and Harry followed after him down the stairs.

"Hey, mom." Louis greeted his mom who's shaking her booty with her head shoved in the fridge. Harry couldn't help the chuckle that left his mouth at the sight. At that, Jay turned around.

"Hi!" She greeted Harry with a big smile and walked over to him before hugging the boy tightly.

"Hey, Jay!" Harry hugged back with a massive smile which made Louis' knees go weak.

"No funny business done?" Jay looked at Louis with a pointed look and Louis groaned.

"No, mom! We just got together like two weeks ago!"

"Who know, babe. Miracles happen." Jay hummed before smirking at both Louis and Harry who have their faces scarlet red.

"Mom!" Louis whined making Jay giggle.

"Are you gonna stay for dinner, love?" Jay directed the question towards Harry.

"Sure, why not." Harry shrugged.


"Your due date for the project is next Monday. I hope you all are done with a good portion of the project." Mrs. Watson looked at her class under her glasses.

"Oh, shit, the project." Louis mumbled from besides Harry making Harry frown at him. Louis was confused for a bit till he understood that he just broke a rule.

"You swear one more time and you are in trouble." Harry whispered with a pointed look.

"O...kay. Back to the lesson." Mrs. Watson shushed the class as hushed mummers had started going around.


"We have to finish the project, Harry!" Louis was half panicking then. There's only 3 days before the due date including weekend too.

"I know, babe but calm down. We are already done with the lyrics and quarter of the melody." Harry rubbed the smaller boy's back.

"But still, we got three quarter to be done!" Louis pouted. Harry smiled fondly at the boy and placed a quick kiss on his pouty lips.

"We'll get it done. Today at mine?" Harry asked.

"What about my stuff?" Louis whispered.

"We can grab them along the way to my house. I was actually planning on buying some stuff for you so, you would only have to bring cuddles with you." Harry said.

"No! It's going to be a bit much money." Louis shook his head making Harry roll his eyes.

"I'm gonna add another rule to the rules list. No saying no when daddy spoils his baby." Harry whispered in Louis' ear making boy's dick twitch.


"Let's at least finish a little bit of the melody before getting you nappied." Harry winked at Louis who pouted.


They both sat by Harry's piano and Harry played the part they already have the melody set to. They worked on their piece for two hours before Louis started whining.

"No more!" He whined making Harry sigh and stop with what he's been doing.

"Okay, little one. Let's go to my room." Harry offered his hand to Louis which the boy held onto as they went to the elevator to get to Harry's room.

Once inside the elder boy's room Louis quickly jumped himself onto Harry's bed and made grabby hands at the green eyed boy. Harry smiled fondly at the boy and pretended like he's gonna throw himself onto Louis' smaller frame making the blue eyed boy squeal and roll away. Harry chuckled as he laid down on the bed and cuddled Louis closer to his chest.

Louis looked up at the taller boy with big blue eyes expecting him to say something but instead Harry just stared at Louis' ocean blur orbs.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?" Harry broke the silence making Louis' cheeks tint pink and hide his face in Harry chest with giggles.

"C'mon, let me see that blush." Harry tickled the boy's side making Louis let out a squeal with a string of giggles following not so far behind.

"You're so beautiful, my princess. I don't think I'll ever get enough of saying that." Harry said sincerely once the laughs are died down.

"S-same with me. You are the prettiest human to land on this earth." Louis smiled wide at Harry.

"I doubt that because you are the prettiest one."

Then there started a fight about who's the prettiest one until Harry gave up Louis' pouty lips and big blue eyes making the smaller boy cheer. After that there was only silence as Louis kept on listening to Harry's heartbeat and Harry kept on admiring the beauty in his arms.

"Daddy?" Louis broke the silence making Harry smile.

"Yes, my princess?"

"Wan' Cuddles."


(Word Count 1114)

A/N - I'm sorry this isn't the best but I needed something to escape reality. 

Btw, thank you all for your support and I'm kinda hanging on. 

It came with all the stress and stuff I guess but either way your support has been really courageous and I'm so lucky have such wonderful people like you in my life. 

Also remember if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here like you all were for me.

Thank you so much again. 

Anyways, thoughts on the chappy?


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