Q & A [p1]

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*awkward wave* Hello! Azurehyn here.

First off, thank you so much to everyone who's made it through over one hundred episodes of INK STAINED! You should be proud of yourselves, that's over 800k words, no jokes.

Now, it's pretty obvious from this part's title that I'm doing a Q & A, and the reason for this is because INK STAINED just hit 50k reads! And that's a huge flipping milestone for me, because I've never had anything I've ever written approach anything near that number. I know that numbers are just numbers but hullo, I like validation even in that, thanks. I don't even know if you guys will like this but eh, gotta try.

I started writing INK STAINED in February 2016 [yes. Two years ago. Holy fuck], and I have literally been binge-writing it for two years straight. Except for random snippet-shite for my Creative Writing class in school, any creative work written by me has only been this story [of course that kinda changed in December 2017 when I decided to try my hand at a Klance VLD fanfic on AO3 which has sucked my soul into a black hole in space in the Castle of Lions and I need help yup]. 

It took me quite literally a year and a half before I realized that writing INK STAINED is like coming home. Idk how else to put it. This is not only my passion project but, simply, my passion. So to see such positive feedback from you guys about my story and to see that it is gaining attention and people do like it is a huge deal for me. :)

Plus, you've all been so wonderful with your comments and thoughts on this chaotic mess of mine, so I wanted to give you a chance to kind of interact more? I think it'll be fun

[tbh at this point I don't know what I'm saying, I'm operating on four hours of sleep here]

Anyways, I'll get right to it. This is part 1 of the Q & A, where you guys can ask any questions for me to answer, about the story or even just about me if you want, or the characters of INK STAINED to answer [yes, I will do that thing]. Obviously, I can't give spoilers out [Pai might give you points for trying tho], so if you ask something that only a spoiler can be the answer to, then I'll just say it's a spoiler and nothing more. But other than that, you can ask pretty much anything!

I'll post part 2, which will be the answers part of this thingymajig I'm doing, after...I think a week? Is that enough time? Meh, guess so.

In parting, I shall now throw at you random pictures from which I drew inspiration for this story. Some are edited by me and you can see the URL of my DeviantArt on them [unless I forgot to put it, which is a regular thing I do], but just saying, I don't own the original art. I can't draw worth fuck or to save my life.

...ok maybe I can draw, like, a candle. I'm very good at drawing candles. And eyes, hence why half my old class used to think I was some Illuminati thing like yeahno. 

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