Q & A [p2]

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First of all, I pity whoever decides to skip the entire story and look through this part. It is chock-full of spoilers everywhere. Also, this is very long, so read this when you have time.

[half of this was written with a hyperactive kitten sitting on my shoulder and trying to eat my hair while his big brother attempted to climb up my damn leg with claws out like I'm a tree trunk, so if I sound especially saltybitter for some reason, there's your reason]

[whoever said having many cats is all cute and giggles and Instaworthy pics is a fcken liar]

[I mean I love them but it would be nice not to bleed somewhere every day]

All right, here is part 2 of INK STAINED's Q & A! Thank you to everybody who asked questions, and don't be afraid to keep on asking them! I love talking to you guys and hearing what you have to say, it's amazing! I sometimes see people complaining about something with Wattpad, and usually I'm that silent one in the corner, sipping my tea/coffee and thinking, 'what other popular platform allows writers to post their original content, get feedback on said stories, and actively talk to the people reading said stories?'.


I bet someone's going to prove me wrong, but meh, that's my opinion from personal experience.

First up is my friend A_C_Douglas. Thank you so much for your lovely words, your spa –QUESTIONS –mean a lot! :D

--What do you plan on doing once you finish IS? Are there any other stories (either related or unrelated to IS) you've got planned?

I'm always writing stories, so yes, definitely there are other stories I have planned. Once I finish INK STAINED I plan to continue with its sequel, aptly named BLOOD STAINED [yes. Yes I already have a title for it and I refuse to change it no matter how dramatic it sounds]. But, between the two, I'll take a break to finish up a fanfic I have posted on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) called "we thought we knew (we know nothing)". It's a Klance VLD fic –basically, when I feel like I need to take a break with INK STAINED's world, I have a whole document full of ideas I've gotten for fics, and that one (it's actually 2 fics part of one series) has gotten pretty fantastic feedback on AO3. If you're interested in that, I write under the penname xeah on there, and the link to my profile is, uh, on my profile on here. Actually, I'll just link it at the end of this chapter.

So yeah. I'm never going to stop writing. It's what keeps me sane. My home life is pretty...shitty, to say the least, and I struggle with a couple of mental health issues related to my very toxic relationship with my mother, so writing is what has kept me going and kept me happy. It physically pains me to think of not writing, and even my mother knows not to try interfering with it. She's tried before, to tell me what to write –it didn't end well.

WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED –ok, INK STAINED is book one, then book two will be BLOOD STAINED, but I am also planning on writing a third book that, following the whole 'stained' theme, will be titled COLOUR STAINED. It won't be plot heavy like the first two books, but I can't say anything more beyond that [there will be a plot tho]. COLOUT STAINED is going to be a bit non-linear in story-telling, and will feature snippets of the past reincarnations of the cast of INK STAINED –that is, Shin, Pai, Shiori, Kouta, Midori, Rikuto, etc. I might also include an arc about the Kitsune's attack on the Tengu ten years ago because I love Shinigami. There'll probably be gag reels too because no way in hell there would not be XD If you want, you can put in requests for like, stories you'd like to see about things from the past and I'll make a list of them and one day write them :)

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