Two: the suitor's ball part 1

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. As they are owned by Tite Kubo. This story is completely my own idea as it will be an IchiHime love story. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes/translations), hollows/demons speaking, italics attacks

Two: the suitor's ball part 1

When Orihime reached the age of sixteen, Ukitake felt it was time for Orihime to marry.  But since she had turned down so many of the suitor's and prince's whom came for her hand, it was decided that they would have a ball in order for Orihime to pick the one that she would like to marry.  Invitations were sent out to all the available men for the suitor's ball as the palace was set up to hold the event.  Ichigo knew that he had to go in order to claim his mate.  Ichigo turned in order to the palace to see someone to arrange a gateway to the earth kingdom.  Plus he also needed to put someone in charge while he was gone.  Ichigo swiftly made his way through the palace stopping before a room that smelled of chemicals.  Ichigo opened the door to see a pink haired man pouring over test tubes and beakers filled with colorful fluid.  The smell of chemicals became much stronger.  The scientist turned when he sensed that Ichigo was in the room.  

"How may I help you sire?" asked the scientist.

"Szayelaporro.......  I need for you to create a gate to the earth kingdom.  I have found my mate." stated Ichigo.  Szayelaporro Granz or Szayel for short was the chief scientist of the moon kingdom.  Szayel's light brown eyes widened considerably behind his glasses.

"Really?!  That's  excellent news my lord.  I will get started right away!" exclaimed Szayel.  Ichigo left the scientist as he found two men coming down the hallway.  One was male with black hair as he seemed almost void in color.  He had bright green eyes and teal streaks down from his eyes.  The other was a male with sky blue hair and eyes.  Ichigo found himself smiling when he saw them.  

"Grimmjow.......  Ulquiorra........  I am going to need you both to stand watch while I am gone." stated Ichigo.  Grimmjow Jaegerjaques sometimes called "Grimm" by those he trusted and Ulquiorra Schiffer were two of Ichigo's closest and most trusted friends.  They were also Ichigo's second in command.  

"I take it that it's time to finally take your mate." Grimm stated with a feral grin on his face.  Ichigo nodded his head.  "About time King........  Some of us knew that you had found her as it's been holding us together.  But you need to claim her soon as we may not last any longer." stated Grimm as Ulquiorra slapped him in the back of the head earning a sharp growl from the blue haired male.  

"Of course we will take watch while you are gone my lord." stated Ulquiorra.  Ichigo smiled at the two bowing his head in thanks as he turned around heading back to Szayel's room.

Meanwhile within the palace Orihime was getting fitted for the dress that she was going to wear for the ball.  She wore a white dress with some black accents (the Arrancar dress).  Her long orange hair was pulled back by two blue snowflake pins that were a present from her brother before he died.

"I think that you are ready Princess." stated Lily as she stepped back after making her finishing touches on Orihime's dress.  Orihime did a little twirl as she loved how the dress suited her. 

"It's lovely Lily.  You did outstanding work once again." 

"Thank you for your kind words Princess.  But you look troubled.  What's wrong?" 

"Do you think I will find the one I have been looking for?" 

"Princess.......  I have no doubt that you will find him tonight.  I have a feeling that you will know it's him when you lay your eyes on him." replied Lily.  Lily's statement caused Orihime to briefly smile.

At that precise moment.......  Ichigo had entered Szayel's lab to see the scientist busy at work.  

"Ah......  Lord Ichigo.  I am almost ready.  I just need your sword." stated Szayel.  Ichigo nodded his head as he silently spoke his sword's name.

"Tensa Zangetsu (heaven chain slaying moon)."  A black katana with a black chain formed in Ichigo's hand.  Everyone with the moon kingdom could cause their sword to materialize out of thin air the second they spoke their sword's name.  The zanpakuto (spirit sword) was a reflection of the weilder's spirit and soul.  Each one was different as no two was the same.  Szayel walked over with a flask filled with glowing dust.  Szayel lightly dusted Ichigo's sword with the dust.  The sword glowed in a pale light blue light before it faded into the sword.  

"To open and create the gate, you have to use your sword like a key." Szayel stated as he called upon his sword.  "Fornicaras (you will fornicate)." whispered the scientist as a katana with a blue-grey handle and a guard that looks like a nucleus of an atom.  Szayel thrusted his sword out before him as he turned it to the side.  "The gate which I call a senkaimon (world penetration gate).  The gate will appear and open connecting our world with theirs.  The gate will close and disappear automatically."

"Is there a time limit?" asked Ichigo.  Szayel scratched his chin in thought.  

"Before night fall.  If it doesn't work you could always use your descorrer (loose void) to come back."  Ichigo nodded his head before he used his powers to change his outfit to something more suitable for the dance following Szayel's direction, he caused what looked to be an oriental door to form and open it's doors to transport Ichigo to the earth kingdom.  Ichigo stepped through as the gates closed behind him on the moon kingdom and opened on earth kingdom.  Once cleared of the gates, they closed vanishing from sight.  Ichigo then allowed his sword to vanish from his hand as he made his way to the palace.

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