Four: first date

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. As they are owned by Tite Kubo. This story is completely my own idea as it will be an IchiHime love story. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes/translations), hollows/demons speaking, italics attacks

Four: first date

Ichigo had left the castle with a smile on his face. Tomorrow he had a date with his princess. Ichigo called for his zanpakuto to open the senkaimon to travel back home. Usually Ichigo and his people use a descorrer (loosed void) to travel from the moon kingdom to the earth kingdom. The descorrer manages to stabilize their demonic forms while on earth. Their physical bodies become unseen by the human eye much like with the hollows. The hollows couldn't normally be seen by the human eye until they let out this shrill dead scream attacking the human. With someone with Ichigo's powers and abilities, the senkaimon hardly affected his demonic form. The senkaimon allowed Ichigo to be seen by human eyes. Ichigo knew that when he got back home he would have to get Szayel to make the senkaimon a permanent part of their power. Ichigo stepped through the senkaimon reappearing back home.

"I take it from the smile on your face that the journey went well." stated a feminine voice. Ichigo turned to see a woman with aqua green hair and hazel eyes.

"Nelliel." Ichigo acknowledged the woman. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck or Nell for short was only one of the two women that still remained within the moon kingdom. The other was Tier Harribel. Ichigo could see a young man approaching as he let out a tired yawn. He had shaggy brown hair and grey eyes.

"Welcome back Lord Ichigo." stated the man.

"Coyote." Coyote Starrk was the only the fourth man left alive within the moon kingdom. With six people remaining alive on the moon kingdom. Ichigo felt that he had to do something before his people went into extinction.

"So...... When can we meet her?" Nell asked.

"Come on Nell. Don't pester the king the second he gets back. And besides, it will take some time before Lord Ichigo can claim her." Coyote stated causing Nell to pout. Ichigo could only laugh as he went to speak with Szayel before he went to get some rest.

The following day, Orihime could barely contain her excitement. She could hardly wait to learn more about the mysterious young man who caused butterflies to take wing in her stomach and her heartbeat to quicken. Orihime proceeded to get up going through her morning routine of a shower, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. Meanwhile, Ichigo awoke two hours before his afternoon appointment with Orihime. He also took care of what needed to be done for his daily routine. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and hair, and got dressed in his usual garb. All of the moon people wore the same type of garments as the only difference was the color and the style. Ichigo was black with white accents while the others wore white with black accents. After Ichigo had a light breakfast, he went to see Szayel. The scientist had his sword along with the task to make the senkaimon permanent. The reason for this was incase the others happened to find their chosen mate on the earth kingdom. Ichigo entered into Szayel's lab to see the scientist at work.

"Ah....... Lord Ichigo! I am almost done. Just give me a few more seconds." exclaimed Szayel as he didn't bother to look up from his work.

"Please take your time Szayel. There is no rush."

"Nonsense. A man of your caliber can't be late for a date with his princess." explained Szayel. Ichigo just shook his head as he knew that his people always had his best interest in stake. Ichigo wondered around Szayel's lab being careful not to touch anything while he allowed the scientist to complete his work.

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