Eight: training

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. As they are owned by Tite Kubo. This story is completely my own idea as it will be an IchiHime love story. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes/translations), hollows/demons speaking, italics attacks

Eight: training

After Tier and Toshiro had left, Ichigo transformed back into his normal form and alerted his people that he was going to his room to rest for a while.

"Ulquiorra you are on guard. Szayel see about arranging a room for Toshiro until he and Tier can complete the mating process." Both men nodded their heads as Ichigo went to his room.

*I kind of feel envious of Tier. She can mate with her soulmate anytime she choses while we have to wait.*

*Shiro..... don't you know that good things will happen to those who wait.* Ichigo replied earning a moan from Shiro.

*God I hate when you get psychological with me.* Ichigo couldn't help but to laugh.

Ichigo was awoken from his sleep by him sleep by human screaming and a telepathic cry for help.  Ichigo bolted out of his room heading for the source of the sound.  He found Toshiro hunched over in pain as ice covered his body.  Tier whom was with him was frozen almost to the core.  When the others tried to get close to the young human, the ice would lash out at them as if alive.

"What's going on?" Ichigo asked.

"It seems that the kid's powers kicked in.  None of us can get close to him." stated Grimmjow.  Ichigo nodded his head that he understood.  Ichiog first went over to Tier freeing her from her icy prison.  

"Lord Kurosaki......." Tier moaned out weakly.  

"Take it easy Tier.  I will have you free shortly." Ichigo stated as he began to cause his dark energy to surface.  He allowed his energy to coat over Tier melting the ice.


"Don't worry about him.  I will help him through the transition and to get his powers under control." Ichigo stated.  Once Tier was free, he made sure to have the woman go with Szayel in order to check up that she was all right.

Ichigo then turned his attention towards Toshiro.  Ichigo kept his dark energy active in case the ice attacked him.  Ichigo could see that Toshiro no longer looked like a young kid but now an older teen.  Ice covered him giving him a draconic look.  Toshiro's eyes widened when he saw Ichigo.

"Don't fight the changes Toshiro.  Allow them to happen.  I will use my powers to help coach you though the changes."  Toshiro nodded his head that he understood.  Ichigo helped Toshiro stabilize the changes happening to the young human as Toshiro now looked to be at least eighteen years old.  "The ice is a part of you Toshiro.  You can control it.  Make the ice obey you and your will." Ichigo stated.  Toshiro closed his eyes as he could feel a warm energy pulsing into his body.  Toshiro managed to find his ice core making it obey him as the ice began to break away from his body.  Toshiro opened his eyes as his body lightly swayed from his newfound powers activating Ichigo caught Toshiro in his arms as he carried the young man to Szayel's lab.  "Rest for now Toshiro.  I know that you have a lot of questions and I will answer them once you are feeling better." stated Ichigo as he watched Toshiro close his eyes falling asleep instantly.

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