Fourteen: final battle

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its only characters. As they are owned by Tite Kubo. This story is completely my own idea as it will be an IchiHime love story. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC as it will also feature a few OCC attacks that I created for this chapter so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes/translations), hollows/demons speaking, italics attacks

Fourteen: final battle

After Ichigo had marked Orihime as his mate, the young woman's power surged forth. Orihime's true form as the sun princess also began to break through. She became much older as her body developed nicely. Ichigo wasn't one to drool over a woman's shape but, he couldn't help but to admire Orihime's luscious curves. A pair of large white angelic wings emerged from out of Orihime's back as her snowflake pins transformed into tiny fairies. The fairies flew all around Orihime happily as their soft bell-like voices rang out Orihime's name.

"Orihime...... You're beautiful....." Ichigo grunted out in pain. Suddenly, without warning a pair of leathery black demonic wings ripped out of Ichigo's back. Also a long reptilian-like tail ripped out of Ichigo's tailbone as the tail had a black flame tip at the end. The missing demonic horn also reappeared as he kept all the markings that appeared on his body. Ichigo could hear Orihime's soft voice and feel her healing light wash over his body alleviating the pain.

*Ouch....... That's going to leave a mark.* stated a familiar dark voice in the back of Ichigo's mind.

*Shiro.......?!* Ichigo asked in shock not expecting to hear his inner demon ever again.

*Yeah...... I'm back king. If I had to guess for the reason why, I would have to say that it's because of your princess and her powers.* replied Shiro.

'So the form that I had just transformed into must be my truest form.' Ichigo thought to himself. *Hey Shiro...... It's good to have you back.*

*It's good to be back Ichi.*

After Ichigo and Orihime's transformation, the two went to the Defense Core where all of the sun and moon people where gathered. The two kingdoms began training to learn the fully control their powers and abilities. Meanwhile as the two kingdoms trained. the two leaders of the Hollows prepared to strike against the two kingdoms and the humans.

"It's time that we finally end this once and for all!" roared out Ginjo to the vast Hollow army that stood before him. The Hollows roared out in a rally cry as the large group made their way to the human world. The Hollows wouldn't give up as they desired a place that would satisfy their needs. The human world's resources and countless energy and human souls would finally satisfy their endless appetite. They have done this to many countless worlds and planets as they devoured all of the resources, energy, and souls they could before going onto the next world or planet. This is why they feared the rise of the two kingdoms, the sun and the moon. These were the only two kingdoms in existence that could wipe them out and they feared and hated that.

Several hours had passed since all of the sun people had their powers awakened because of the marks on them made by their moon mates. Each of them had to learn quickly how to control and use their powers. Both Retsu and Orihime were better suited at healing than fighting. With Szayel being a scientist, he could help out with any and all wounded. This left Ichigo, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, Coyote, Nell, Tier, Toshiro, Nnoritora, Yoruichi, Mashiro, and Lilynette to deal with the Hollows and their leaders. Orihime with her full powers released could create a barrier to protect the humans that resided within the palace. Her barriers were much stronger than before as they were strengthened by the six fairies that were once her hairpins. With the proper spell chant, she could have the barrier rebound the energy back to its attacker. Ichigo's powers because of his newest transformation was ten times stronger than normal. So it was decided that he would fight the leaders. That left everyone else to deal with the Hollow army that the two leaders would possibly bring with them.

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