Six: birth of the sun princess

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. As they are owned by Tite Kubo. This story is completely my own idea as it will be an IchiHime love story. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes/translations), bolds hollows/demons speaking, italics attacks

Six: birth of the sun princess

After Ichigo made certain that Orihime got home safely, he was unsure if he should return.  He truthfully told Orihime the truth about why he was there.  He could tell the girl was afraid of his demonic form.  If Orihime wished not to see him again, then the moon kingdom was doomed to fade away.  Ichigo found himself praying silently to the moon gods that doesn't happen.

"Ichigo......." Orihime called out before he turned to leave Ichigo slightly turned his head offering the girl a soft smile. "Shall I see you tomorrow?" she asked.

"If that is your wish princess." answered Ichigo.  Orihime nodded her head yes.  "Then I shall return tomorrow." Ichigo replied as he left the palace with a large smile on his face.

*Don't get your hopes up too much king.  We still don't know how she is going to react to everything.* Shiro hissed in the back of his mind.

*Sure...... spoil my good mood.*  Ichigo snapped at his dark half causing Shiro to laugh.

All that night Orihime couldn't stop thinking about Ichigo.  About everything the moon prince told her.  Even after seeing his demonic form, she was still attracted to the young prince.  Orihime could feel this odd warmth flowing throughout her body when she thought about Ichigo.  When she looked into the eyes of his demonic form, she could see so much sadness and loneliness.  Orihime wanted to learn more about the moon prince and his people.  It seemed that they were the only ones capable of fighting the hollows.

'Tomorrow I will go to the library and do some research before Ichigo comes.' Orihime thought to herself before she got ready and went to bed.  As Orihime fell asleep her body began to glow as a light blue symbol that looked similar to her snowflake pin began to appear on her back.

The next day before Orihime went to the library she spoke with Jushiro about the moon people.  She wondered why her advisor didn't recognize the moon prince when he saw him the first day that she meet him.

"Jushiro......  What can you tell me about the moon king?" Orihime asked.

"Well it was a young looking man with long black hair and golden brown eyes that seemed to be glowing.  Most of his face and body was covered by a grey wrap.  It was hard to determine how old he was." answered Jushiro.

'It doesn't sound like Ichigo.  Maybe his father?' Orihime thought to herself.

"Why are you asking about the moon kingdom princess?" asked Jushiro.

"I was wondering about them as not many talk about them.  Why is it such a taboo subject to talk about them?"

"Frankly I don't know princess.  Many  of the people where scared of them and the powers that they possess.  Even when revealing their demonic forms to us.  The king didn't reveal his but one of his people did.  Because of this fear of them we cut ties with them.  Although I never agreed with your parents reasoning for it.  They did warn us that there was things out there that we couldn't defend ourselves from.  I think he was talking about the hollows."

"If given the chance, would you want to have peace with the moon people?"

"I know that it would be your call princess.  As you advisor I would strongly suggest that you do even if our people are afraid of them or against it.  Why are you asking about the moon?" Jushiro asked.

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