Five: discovering the truth

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I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. As they are owned by Tite Kubo. This story is completely my own idea as it will be an IchiHime love story. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes/translations), hollows/demons speaking, italics attacks

Five: discovering the truth

The sun was setting far too quickly for Ichigo's liking. But it doesn't feel like it was a natural sun set. He could sense the hollows following him as he could feel Orihime shaking behind him.

"It's alright Orihime, I will protect you." Ichigo stated as he urged the horse to go faster.

*Ichigo..... These hollows feel odd. Be on your guard.* stated Shiro. Ichigo could hear the hollows moaning out but so far none of them moved to attack which the moon prince was grateful for. Ichigo could hear what the hollows were saying even though they spoke in a low voice.

*Moon prince dangerous. Need to kill sun princess.*

'Sun princess....... Could they mean Orihime?' Ichigo thought to himself. Most of the hollows he was sensing was low tier level.

Suddenly the hollows let out a loud scream scaring the horse as it bucked both Orihime and Ichigo off before running off. Ichigo got up to his feet as he pulled Orihime close to him. The girl's shaking grew worse now that they were stranded and without a weapon. There seemed to be more than low level tiers that Ichigo was sensing. A bunch of hollows began to materialize in front of the two causing Ichigo to curse in his native tongue. He could easily handle them all without revealing what he was to Orihime. But it seemed that luck was not on his side as more and more hollows began to materialize while a group of them attacked Orihime from behind. The protective barrier that Ichigo casted on Orihime rose up to protect her from harm. Ichigo snarled out in his native tongue as he moved summoning his zanpakuto to his side. Ichigo slashed at the hollows that were trying to break the protective barrier. More and more hollows kept coming which was pissing Ichigo off as they were trying to get to Orihime. Slowly Ichigo was losing control and close to revealing what he truly was to Orihime.

"I'm sorry Orihime. I wasn't planning to reveal the truth this soon." Ichigo stated as he stepped away from Orhime allowing his true demonic form loose. His skin turned all white as a large whole sat in his chest. A skull mask covered his face as a pair of long sharp bull horns ripped out of his skull. His orange hair grew longer to his waist as moon kingdom uniform ripped to shreds as red fur lined his wrist, ankles, and neck. Black lines marked part of his chest and face. His eyes turned to pure gold with no visible irises and/or pupils (Ichigo's vasto lorde form). Orihime gasped out in shock when she saw Ichigo reveal his true demonic form. Ichigo clutched Tensa Zangetsu hard in his hands.

"Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!" snarled out Ichigo as he unleashed a black and red energy attack that destroyed several hollows. But still more swarmed Orihime like bees to honey. Thankfully the protective barrier that Ichigo casted still was protecting her from harm.

*King...... Help is on the way! Try to keep them off of her as stronger hollows are coming!* Shiro yelled out mentally.

Ichigo unleashed a cero (doom blast) at any who got close to Orihime's protective barrier. The protective barrier stood up to Ichigo's power since because it was created by Ichigo's power. Ichigo wildly lept attacking the hollow either slicing them with his sword or with his Getsuga Tensho attack.

"Getsuga Jujisho (moon fang cross shaped piercer)!" snarled Ichigo as he metalized black energy in his free hand creating an energy sword. With both swords in his hand, Ichigo slashed unleashing an attack from both swords in a cross shape which destroyed many hollows. But there still seemed to be no end to them.

"Cero Oscuras (dark bullet)!"

"Gran Ray Cero!" stated two voices as blue ball of energy and a black ball of energy came and cut down some of the hollows. Both Grimmjow and Ulquiorra had come to help Ichigo as both were in their true demonic forms. Grimmjow looked like a cat (Grimmjow's released state) and Ulquiorra looked like a bat (Ulquiorra's second release state).

A broad smirk crossed Ichigo's face as the three quickly dealt with the hollow's as Ichigo managed to find the rift that they were all coming out of. Ichigo willed Tensa Zangetsu to take on an energy form as black flames formed to make the katana.

"Mugetsu (moonless sky)!" snarled out Ichigo as he unleashed a blast that completely destroyed the rift and the hollows that were coming out of it. When Ichigo turned around he didn't expect to see Orihime still sitting on the ground. Tears streaked down her face as Ichigo approached her. "Please don't cry. I'm here to help you." Ichigo stated as his claws gently wiped away Orihime's tears. Both Grimmjow and Ulquiorra had revereted back to their natural human forms.

"My king...... Perhaps it's best if you return back to your human form." Ulquiorra stated as the sky began to lighten. Ichigo nodded his head as he stepped away from Orihime.

*I think she is scared of us.* Ichigo stated to Shiro.

*It's a pretty reasonable reaction. Just explain everything and hopefully she will give us a chance. If not...... Our people are doomed.* stated Shiro. Ichigo just sighed out as he knew that his dark half spoke the truth.

Ichigo allowed his demonic form to break like glass as it shattered to pieces. Ichigo stumbled a bit as Grimmjow helped steady the young prince.

"Thank you for coming to help me out Grimmjow and Ulquiorra." Ichigo stated to his two lieutenants before turning to Orihime. "I mean you no harm Orihime. I will bring you home. I can explain if you let me so please give me a chance." Ichigo stated as he offered Orihime his hand. Orihime could tell that Ichigo meant her no harm as she remembered the myths about the myths about the demonic people from the moon. All her life she wanted to meet one and now here was three of them standing before her."You're from the moon?" she questioned earning a nod from Ichigo. She watched as the other two men opened up a black void before stepping in and disappearing from sight. Orhime took Ichigo's hand willingly as the moon prince helped pick her up placing her onto her feet in order to guide her back home.

"Orihime........ It's best that no one knows that I'm from the moon. Your people still fear us for no just reason. But I can't blame them as you have seen my demonic form." Ichigo stated.

"Those two who came to help us?" asked Orihime.

"My lieutenants. Normally by myself I could easily handle those hollows but they seemed to be mainly after you." Ichigo answered honestly.

"Why me?" she asked.

"To tell you the truth Orihime, I don't know. For myself personally, I have been waiting a long time to find you. Do you believe in soul mates Orihime?" asked Ichigo.

"The one half that is believed to complete the person? I can't say that I honestly do."

"In my kingdom we do. We believe that there is a person who can balance us. Make us whole. Shine a light in our darkness. You are that person for me Orihime. I knew it the second that you were born into this world. This is why I used my powers to cast a protective barrier that would form if you were ever in trouble." Ichigo stated honestly.

'So that is what protected me from those hollows. He must have done it when we first meet. At least he is being honest with me about everything. Perhaps I should give him a chance.' Orihime thought to herself as they arrived at the palace.

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