Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [A Andy Sixx Love Story]

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Authors Memo:

Okay guys this story well its a figurment of my imgination okay wait its not real! The Characters in the story all are mine expect, Andy Sixx and his band! I dont own those but the personailty of those characters are my made up ones! Please message and rate if you dont then I wont know of people like the story or not and if I should write more or not. If I dont get enough messages I promise I WILL stop WRITING this Story!

As much as I hate to admit it I love being alone and hiding away from the world. I know it not good to run away from your problems and try to escape what is the truth but sometimes it happens to everyone where they just want to disappear. To be honest lately I have been doing that more than I usually do. I wonder if something is wrong with me, but at the same time I know its not me. It is the level of stress and drama that is in my life right now. Sure life isn't meant to be easy then again nothing is easily to obtain. Even self peace you have to work towards it in order to get it. Someone once told me the choice is yours to be happy or not. So here I am sitting here thinking what on earth am I going to write about?

Even though I don't have much an plot or an idea I do have something to start my story off on. Lets just trace back to two night go in my life. It will be nothing more than a flash back so you know where all this began from.

"Rain?" asked, my mum looking at me with a furious look. "What do you have to say for your self?"

I kept my mouth shut looking down at the cuts on my wrist, since when did she care? Oh yeah that is right since the school called and told her if she didn't do something about this they would throw her into jail for child abuse. I just stared at the cuts not really caring what my mother was saying. As a matter of fact her words sound nothing but an distant language to me at this moment. I was completely engulfed in the blood that was slipping down my wrist and down my arm. It was slowly crawling towards me fingers where I could feel it, it was warm and bloody red.

"Rain!" snapped, my step father. "What are you doing this to your self for!?"

I looked up at him pulling away from the marvelous sight in front of me to look at the ugly faces of my so called parents. I gave nothing but an emotionless look I had nothing to say to them, I had no reason to justify my actions. I did what I felt like doing and there is nothing they or anyone can do about it. I gave them both a glance before turning on my heel and walking off as they screamed after me. I went into my room and sat there looking at the wall for a good hour or so. What was I suppose to say my life is so fucking complicated that I do not want to live anymore?

If I said something like that I am quite sure they would throw me into some fucking therapy class and make me get treated. The truth I didn't need treatment I need to get away from them both I needed to get away from this house. What better way to do it then run away from the house forever and disappear for good? Wrong, if I did the police would be hunting me down like I was some cold hearted murder! I heard them talking downstairs so I opened my door slowly and quietly wanting to hear what they were saying. I walked down the stairs swiftly not to make any noise so they would know I was listening to them.

"We cant keep doing this, James." cried, my mother.

"I know honey, I know I think it is time for Rain to be sent away from us." replied, back my step dad.

"I think you are right." my mother, answered for a long period of silent. "I think it is time to send her to that boarding school she was invited to not to long ago. By the Colt family. . ."

"No your saying that you want to let her attend that school with all those guys?!" gasped, my step father. "You going to give her away to the Colt family!?"

Break Me Then Tell Me You Love Me [Andy Sixx Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now