Chapter 3

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Hi OK I'm really surprised none of you guys informed me that chapter 2 was posted twice I feel so bad oh also there's another thing but you'll find out later after you finish reading remembering to end lol just know you guys will love it lol.

Chapter 3

Emily's POV

A month passed since Dream arrived. I'm starting to lose hope that Dusty will ever come back.

"Ok Sarah, the key with wild ones is to go slow." Sarah wanted to ride the Dream. Will and I were watching in case something went wrong. Sarah got on Dream slowly. She was resting on Dream's back. Then it all went wrong. I saw a horse in the distance. Dream must've known it because she reared, causing Sarah to fall. Will and I went to see if she was ok. Dream jumped over the fence and went to the horse.

"You ok Sarah?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She said. We helped her up and brought her to the fence. The horses came running back. Dream jumped the fence. The other horse didn't. Dream looked to it. I looked at it too. It had a tan body and jet black mane and tail. Then it hit me.

"Dusty?" I whispered. I walked up to the horse. Dream snorted at me, but I ignored her. I walked closer to the horse. It had kind eyes, they were a dark colour. I just stood there. It stared at me. I took the feather out of my hair. The horse stared at it. Then back to me. Then it did something only my Dusty would do. It bit the top of my hair gently. I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Emily?" Will asked.

"It's really you Dusty," I said. He neighed. I climbed over the fence, then onto his back. I gripped his mane. He backed up, then went galloping towards the fence. He jumped over it. Then I went out of the pasture and into the ring. Barrels were set up. He went around them, not a single one was knocked over. We then went back into the pasture. I got off of him. He looked at me. "I really missed you boy," I told him. Sarah and Will walked up behind me. Will wrapped his arms around me.

"Now please stop being upset about no Dusty." He said. I laughed, and Dusty nudge my cheek. "Come on, let's take him to a stall," Will said. I walked into the barn. Dusty followed me. I led him to an empty one. It was next to Scarlet. I gave him some feed. He pounded it down. I gave him fresh water. He layed down in his stall. I layed down, so I was resting against his stomach. He rested his head on my lap.

"I really missed you boy. Here, this belongs to you." I said. I tied the feather in his mane. I got up and went to get lunch. Everyone else started bringing their horses in. Mine was already home.

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