Chapter 9

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Emily's POV

"There!" Sarah shouted. I looked ahead and saw Scarlet with Dusty. Will kicked Jimber into a trot and Tony kicked Freedom into a trot. I got off of Jimber and went over to Dusty. I nudged him. He opened his eyes slowly then looked to me.

"Had a nice sleep?" I asked him. He nudged Scarlet and she woke up. Sarah went over to Scarlet. Dusty and Scarlet both stood up. I climbed onto Dusty. I kicked him into a gallop. The others were ahead of us. Dusty turned around and went in the opposite direction.

"Dusty we need to go the other way. I need to go back to Horseland. Dad is taking me to Stanford Academy for a tour." I said. He stopped. I turned him around and we went back to Horseland. I got off of him. I kicked a rock and it hit a bucket. I walked Dusty to his stall then sat on some hay. My watch read 10:30. I have an hour before dad comes and picks me up. I stared at the ground. Stanford is for the snobs. If anything I would want to beat up a snob. Tony said he would give me ten bucks if I beat up a kid there. I'm so going to beat up more than just one kid.

"You ok?" I saw Will walk in. He sat next to me.

"No. My dad is making me go to Stanford Academy for a tour. He said a random kid will give me the tour, while he talks to the principal, teachers, and riding instructor. The thing is that I don't want to go there." I replied. I rested my head on his shoulder. He put his arms around me. We just stayed like that for what felt like forever. I heard tires coming.

"Come on Emily, we need to go," Dad shouted. Will kissed me on the head before I got up to leave. I ran to the truck and got in. "Ready?" He asked.

"If you're asking me if I'm ready to go to a school that's actually a prison for someone like me, then yes I'm totally ready." I responses. He laughed and drove us to Stanford. When we got there dad dropped me off. I looked at the school. It was big. It had maroon-coloured bricks.

"You Emily?" A boy asked me. He was wearing a maroon riding top with white riding pants. He was about my height, he had blond hair and blue eyes.

"Um ya," I replied. I looked at my own outfit. It was my usual jeans and cowgirl boots. I was wearing blue, red, and white flannel. I saw the rim of my cowgirl hat. Perfect impression on this school.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Andrew. I'm going to be your tour guide. Is there anything you want to see first?" He said.

"The barn and riding ring would be nice," I said. He laughed. "What?" I asked.

"It just that most girls don't have anything in mind, but if they do it's usually the dorms or the classrooms." He responded. He leads me to the barn. It was big. The ring was next to it and it was bigger. I walked into the barn. It had a maroon floor, and at least fifty stalls. I then made my way to the ring. At one end people, we practicing dressage and at the other end, people were doing show jumping. I turned to Andrew. He was staring at me.

"Is there any western riding here?" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked. He shooked his head. Creepy.

"Western riding. Do you have it." I repeated.

"No. Most people do dressage and show jumping." He said. I saw a meadow in the distance. If I ever go here, that meadow will be Dusty's and mine's favourite place.

"Can we move on?" I asked. He nodded. He leads me to the classrooms. We would have the usual core classes: science, math, social studies, and ELA. Then there was the languages: Spanish, German, Latin, and French. I could choose between music and art. Then riding was the most required class. He next showed me a usual dorm. There were three single beds, three closets and three desks. I saw the cafeteria. It looked more like a restaurant than a cafeteria. He leads me back to where we started, which was the main entrance. I saw dad near the barn with some lady.

"So, what do you think?" He asked.

"Well, I don't know really you se-" I was about to say my likes and dislikes when he kissed me. I kneed him in the place no boy wants to be kneed. He fell down.

"What was that for?" He gasped.

"You were the one that kissed me. What the hell man?" I shouted.

"I thought if I kissed you, then you would like me." He said.

"I have a boyfriend." I snapped.

"Then break up with him. Then you can come here, and we can date." He said. He was still on the ground. I pushed him on his side and walked towards my dad. I pulled his arm leading us towards back to the truck. The lady was following us.

"So Emily how did you like the tour? Are you thinking about joining us here?" She asked. I saw Andrew was standing up. I flicked him off. I got to the truck and climbed into it. The lady knocked on my window. I rolled it down.

"Your school is full of a bunch of snobs that abuse their horses and don't know how to handle some dirt. If I ever wanted to come here, I would be out of my mind. And also get western riding here." I said. I spat on her shoes, then rolled up my window. My dad's mouth was open at what is had said and did. "So, what's going to be for dinner?" I asked. He pulled the truck out of the parking lot and drove away. I turned around and flicked off the school one more time. When I turned back around, I turned on the radio. Eye Of The Tiger, was playing. I rolled down my window and bobbed my head to the beat. Never going back to Stanford Academy again.

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