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Sirius Black. Lucious black hair lay on top of his perfectly structured face, a hint of stubble along his jawline, with piercing blue eyes. There were many words to describe him: funny, sexy, badass. The last word anybody would associate Sirius Black with was gay.

Growing up in the Black household meant that he had to pretend to be someone he wasn't. According to Sirius. Pretend to be faithful to the Dark Lord. Pretend to hate muggles and muggleborns. Pretend to fancy girls. The only person who really knew Sirius was the Marauder's - and even they didn't know.

It all started on September 1st, 1971.

First Year.

Sirius wandered down the compartments of the Hogwarts Express. His older cousin Narciassa and her grimy boyfriend Lucius had kicked him out of their compartment - something about superiority. Mostly everybody had already staked their claim on a compartment, leaving Sirius alone in the narrow hall. The only blind open was one in the farthest compartment down. Sirius's heart leaped in hopes it was empty. He dragged along his luggage, which was just as big as he was, and rushed to the door before anyone else could. He opened it immediately, startling the young boy inside.

Sirius paused, inspecting the boy before him. Raven black hair which had been attempted to be combed out, hazel eyes, and a mischievous grin on his face. There was an unspoken communication between the boys. They knew they were best mates the moment they met.

"James Potter," the boy said, extending his hand out.

"Sirius Black," Sirius said, shaking it.

"Black - like?"

"Yep, that's the family."

James's family had informed him of the Black's, Malfoy's, and all other associates with the rising "Dark Lord". Granted he wasn't really listening when his parents were speaking about those matters - he was more concerned about how to smuggle his broom to Hogwarts without Dumbledore finding out.


The door slid open, much less abruptly than Sirius had done, and a scrawny boy stood in the doorframe. "H-hi," he said. His body was lanky, taller than both Sirius and James, with scratches along his cheek and one particular nasty one on his forehead. His eyes were amber, a gentleness to them, with heavy bags under looking as if he hadn't had a good sleep in years. Despite his size, he looked as if he aged twice as fast as the average 11 year old. "Can I sit with you?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," James said, moving aside to make room. The boy walked in, brushing his mused blonde hair out of his eyes. It was almost as messy as James's; it was more of a distressed look rather than untamed. "I'm James Potter. And that's Sirius Black."

Sirius waved, noticing how skinny the other boy was. It was almost concerning, but Sirius wasn't going to judge anyone based on appearance.

"I'm Remus. Remus Lupin."

That name struck Sirius. "Are you Lyall Lupin's son?" he asked curiously.


"Who's that?" James asked, his eyes darting back and forth between Sirius and Remus.

"Are you sure you're a wizard, Potter?" Sirius asked, his sarcasm most definitely noticed. "His dad instituted the Werewolf Act. He's famous." He turned to Remus, "My family's friends with Fenrir Greyback." Remus's face paled, a feeling of anger and hatred boiling in his blood. "Though I really despise the bloke. He's a bastard, and I reckon he'll be locked up one day."

The feeling in Remus's stomach subsided when he heard Sirius say those words. At least he wasn't the only one who despised Fenrir.

"You don't talk much, do you?" James asked, looking at Remus.

Remus shrugged, debating whether or not to say something. Sirius watched the boy across from him carefully; there was something about him. Stop it, he told himself. The thing is, Sirius knew exactly what that thing was about him.

"Do you play quidditch?" James asked.

"No - but I know a lot about it," Remus said rather quickly. "I - I read a lot. So I know all the rules and what not."

"Do you think you know all 700 penalties?" Sirius asked.

"Like the back of my hand."

"Brilliant!" James exclaimed. "What else do you like to do?"

"I'm pretty good a Wizard's Chess, not to brag." Every time he spoke, his confidence boosted. This was the first time Remus had made friends - ever. It felt so natural to speak to the boys, as if they'd been friends for a lifetime. "And I can sweep the floor at card games."

"You're so on," James said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a deck of Exploding Snap cards.

Remus furrowed his eyebrows with concern, "You keep those in your pocket?"

"Sometimes, Remus, you gotta live on the edge. Stick around and I'm sure you'll fit right into the lifestyle of awesomeness. So what house do you want to be sorted into?"

Remus shrugged, he hadn't really thought about it. He'd be happy to get into any, with the exception of Slytherin of course. He hadn't planned on making friends on the train, which now impacted his choice. "I'd be fine with either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Even Hufflepuff. And you guys?"

"Gryffindor - all the way," James declared as he shuffled the deck. "If I get into any other house I'd rather die! Imagine being in Hufflepuff! Mum says yellow totally washes me out."

Sirius chuckled. Out of all the people he could've met, he befriended a nerd and a mamma's boy. Which he couldn't be happier about. "My entire family's been sorted into Slytherin." There was silence among the boys. Everyone knew Slytherin was the house of bad wizards and witches. "But I don't think I want that. I want to be in Gryffindor, too. But I 'spose my family will disown me if that happens."

"Don't say that," Remus said. "If your family can't accept you for you, then you don't deserve them." He spoke from the heart, smiling faintly before accepting the cards James dealt out.

Sirius nodded, internally thankful for the kind words Remus said. The feeling was back. Go away, he told himself. Only once had Sirius ever felt this way before. He was nine, and the boy across the street asked to play catch with him everyday after his muggle school ended. There was no way to explain it; it came as easy as it went. Of course, his parents had already planned to fix him up with Amelia Greengrass in the future, a pureblood girl roughly his age. The thing was, Sirius had different feelings for her than he did the boy. The difference was that he had no feelings for Amelia. She was a pretty girl, no doubt, but to Sirius she paled in comparison to the boy. Being a Black, of course, he pushed away the feelings for years. He fancied girls. Period. He told himself that daily, reminding himself he was a noble heir to the family of Black. There was no room for an outcast; Andromeda already had that spot.

"Er - I like your shoes," Sirius blurted.

Remus glanced down at his beaten up, once white, converse. "Thanks."

No matter how hard Sirius tried to change himself - it was back. The feeling was back. Thanks to Remus Lupin.


A/N: I decided to give a try at another "ways to" story. Ideas and thoughts always appreciated. I've never written about Wolfstar, so it might be a little rough. I hope you all enjoy!! XOXO -G

And for the record I love all houses so anything mentioned is solely based off of the time period when it was very divided :)

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