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"There's no possible way," Sirius argued for the tenth time that evening. 

"Way," James replied defiantly. 

"Moony!" they both called out. 

Remus didn't look up from his bowl of cereal, continuously scooping spoonfuls into his mouth. 

"Moooony," James drew out. 

Sirius drummed his fingers impatiently against the table whistling, "Oi, Hot-Pants."

Remus sighed, finally looking up, "Me?" he asked with the hopes they were calling some other 'Moony'.

"No, the other teenage werewolf," Sirius muttered quiet enough for only the other Marauders to hear. 

"What do you want?"

James cleared his throat, puffing out his chest slightly, "I reckon I can get Lily to go on a date with me if she saves me from drowning in the Black Lake." 

"And I think she'd just let him drown," Sirius countered. 

Remus arched an eyebrow at the ridiculousness. Only James would ever think to fake his death in order to get the girl of his dreams. "I think you're both off your rocker." He bit the inside of his cheek and looked at James sorrowfully, "But Sirius is right. Lily would probably have a picnic in the grass." 

"Ah-ha!" Sirius exclaimed. "I knew it!" He threw his arms around Remus, ruffling his hair up. 

"What? Come on Rem," James groaned, "What ever happened to best mates for life?"

"Face it. Moony loves me more. I've got the hair, he's got the brains. Our kid would be the best looking wizard - or witch - that's ever graced the halls of Hogwarts."

"I'm not so sure it works like that..." Peter mumbled. 

"Moony totally loves me more," James argued. "And our kid would be the smartest athlete ever. Even McGonagall couldn't hate 'em."

Sirius scoffed, "I beg to differ."

"Moony!" they both called out. 

"Mother of Merlin..." Remus muttered rubbing his temples. 

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