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"Honey's I'm home!" Sirius exclaimed, barging into James's house. Remus glanced up from his seat in the kitchen and chuckled. "I know, I know, you're lives have been terribly boring since we've been separated. There's nothing I could do!"

James rolled his eyes, tossing a quaffle at the back of his head. "Just making sure your head doesn't get too big."

Remus snorted at the irony. 

"So I've been thinking, since we've all got our animagus, animagi, whatever, we should have cool nicknames!" Sirius said. "I'll be Alpha Canine Star."

"That's a terrible name," Peter said bluntly. 

Sirius pursed his lips; it'd taken him days to come up with that name. 

"Well they should at least make sense with our animagus formations, right?" James added. "And Remus's furry little problem."

"Wolfie?" Peter suggested. 

Remus shook his head hastily, "No. Something a little less...werewolf."

"Moony?" James blurted. All three heads turned to him. 

"That's brilliant!" Remus exclaimed. "How'd you think of it?"

"Well last night you mooned us when you ate those brownies... But it fits you! Werewolf, moon, you see."

"And his good ass," Sirius commented with a mischievous smirk.

"That too."

"So I'm Moony," Remus said with smile, "I like that. Now you guys."

"What about Rudolph for James?" Peter suggested.

"I'm not even a reindeer!" James roared.

Sirius shrugged, "Same difference."

"No, reindeer are hairy beefy creatures that live in tundras also called Caribou, while stag's are majestic kings of the forest." All three Marauder's stared at James in bewilderment. "What? I don't go around calling you a...a coyote!"

Sirius scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Maybe if you transform it'll give us ideas," Remus suggested. 

"I'll go," Peter said, eagerly jumping to his feet. In a second on the ground was a small blackish brown rat with a long tail swiveling back and forth. 

Sirius chuckled, bending down to get a better look. "Look, his tail looks like a worm." 

James laughed, "You're right! He's got a worm tail!"

Remus furrowed his eyebrows, thinking deeply from his seat at the counter. "Hey, that's not too bad." Both James and Sirius looked over with the same shared confusion. "Wormtail. That's kinda cool." Both boys nodded in agreement. "Peter?"

James and Sirius stepped away as he transformed back into himself. "I like Wormtail!" he exclaimed. He sat beside Remus with a broad smile on his chubby face. "Alright, Sirius, now you."

A black dog pranced around the kitchen happily showing off his slick black fur, wagging his tail. like a whip back and forth. He jumped up on James barking in his face. 

"He's got funny paws," James noticed, holding Sirius's front paw as he sat before him. "They're like...padded. Imagine if we had that!" 

"Padpaw..." Remus mumbled, "No. Pad. Ew."

Sirius barked, alarming the three boys. 

"We don't speak dog," James said. 

Sirius sat where the black dog once had, his leg high in the air still scratching at his head. "Oh..." He set down his foot and got up. "What I was saying was Padfoot." He looked at Remus with a raised eyebrow, "Padpaw?"

"I was just brainstorming!" He sheepishly looked away, turning to James. "Okay James, go."

James made sure there wasn't anything within ten feet and transformed into a stag worthy of the title king of the forest. He had a shiny brown coat with long elegant legs and antlers that reached at least four feet long.

"You think he'll give us rides?" Sirius asked. James snorted, prodding Sirius in the back with his long antlers. "Oi! Watch it with those things! Maybe we should trim all the pointy parts of those antlers..."

"Actually I believe the term for them are prongs," Remus said.

"I swear one day I'm gonna ask you a question you don't know the answer to."

"Prongs is a cool name," Peter commented.  

James reappeared in a flash, an excited look in his eyes. "Yes Peter! I was thinking the same thing!" He jumped up and down like a little kid. 

"Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail, and Prongs," Sirius said with a pleased look. 

"That doesn't sound right," Remus mumbled. 

"What do you mean?"

"Well Moony and Padfoot don't roll off the tongue." 

"Remus and Sirius go great together." 

Remus chuckled, "Yes they do. But maybe it should go: Moony, Womrtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Don't worry, Padfoot, I won't let anyone else come between us."

Sirius nodded firmly. "Not even Minerva?"

"Not even Professor McGonagall."

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