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"I bet a galleon that I can run the fastest," James said, tossing the coins on the table between the Marauders. 

 Sirius stroked his chin, "I'll take that galleon and raise you two galleons."

James surveyed the money cautiously, eyeing Sirius who sat there with a devilish smirk on his face. "Alright Padfoot you're on. Rem, are you gonna make sure he doesn't cheat?"

"Moi? Cheat? I'd never do such a thing!" 

"Right," Remus scoffed, "And I'm going to copy off of Malfoy for the next DADA exam."

"And I'm not going to eat," Peter added. 

"And I'm not going to ask Lily out," James said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

"Hey - not fair! I want to join in on this game!"

The Marauder's rolled their eyes at his childishness. "Come on," Peter said grabbing his cloak, "Let's get this race over with so we can make it to dinner on time."

James followed Peter's lead, Remus after, then Sirius. Sirius hastily tied his shoe grumbling, "And I think Remus is ugly..."

"What?" Remus asked popping his head back through the doorway. 

Sirius snapped his head up, "What?"

"I thought you said something." Remus furrowed his eyebrows slightly, he was sure Sirius had said his name...

"I said you forgot your gloves..." Sirius grabbed a pair of mittens on the nearest trunk and tossed them to him. "Don't want to get frostbite. Or terribly dry skin."

"Right. Thanks mate."

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